
Legal Proceedings Loom for Cardiologist Over Fake Vaccination Documents

1 legal proceedings

A cardiologist from Larnaca is facing legal proceedings for allegedly falsifying COVID-19 vaccination documents, leading to the deaths of two patients. The doctor is charged with conspiracy to defraud, creating and distributing forged documents, and making false declarations in official records, and is set to appear in court on December 7.

What are the allegations against the cardiologist from Larnaca?

The cardiologist from Larnaca is accused of falsifying COVID-19 vaccination documents, which has led to tragic outcomes. The doctor faces charges of conspiracy to defraud, creating and distributing forged documents, and making false declarations in official records. Two patients who received fake certificates later died from the virus.

The Case Emerges

A cardiologist from Larnaca is facing serious allegations of falsifying COVID-19 vaccination documents. The doctor’s actions are not merely administrative infractions but have had dire consequences. Authorities have called the 55-year-old medical professional to testify before the Larnaca Criminal Court after suspicions arose regarding the legitimacy of the vaccine certificates he issued to two of his patients.

Dire Consequences

Tragically, the two individuals who received the counterfeit certificates later succumbed to the virus. The court, after reviewing the preliminary evidence, determined a prima facie case against the cardiologist. The judge dismissed hearsay evidence related to the deceased patients but found the testimonies of Dr. Amalia Hadjiiyianni, the scientific director of a prominent general hospital at the time, and the father of one of the deceased, to hold substantial weight.

The Investigation Unfolds

The doctor was taken into custody on August 6, 2021, and just four months later, faced a series of grave accusations. The charges include conspiracy to defraud, creation and distribution of forged official documents, and making false declarations in official records of the Health Insurance Organisation. After two remands, the cardiologist was released, pending further investigation.

A Family’s Revelation

This case initially came to light when the family of a 41-year-old man, who tragically died from COVID-19, reported suspicions of a counterfeit vaccination certificate. The deceased had allegedly confided to healthcare workers that the document was fraudulently obtained from his general practitioner. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the 41-year-old was recorded in the Gesy system as having been vaccinated by the accused doctor.

The Court Awaits

With 47 out of 102 individuals vaccinated by the cardiologist providing statements to the police, the community awaits answers. The doctor, who has staunchly denied the allegations presented to the District Court of Larnaca, is expected to make a crucial court appearance on December 7. The testimonies of Dr. Hadjiiyianni and the bereaved father will play a pivotal role as the court seeks to uncover the truth in this unprecedented case.

Quick Recap

  • A cardiologist from Larnaca is facing legal proceedings for allegedly falsifying COVID-19 vaccination documents, leading to the deaths of two patients.
  • The doctor is charged with conspiracy to defraud, creating and distributing forged documents, and making false declarations in official records, and is set to appear in court on December 7.
  • The cardiologist is accused of falsifying COVID-19 vaccination documents, resulting in tragic outcomes and faces serious allegations.
  • Two patients who received fake certificates later died from the virus.
  • The doctor was taken into custody, faced grave accusations, and was released pending further investigation.

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