
Demetriou Advocates for Resuming Cyprus Issue Negotiations

cyprus issue negotiations

Annita Demetriou is advocating for the resumption of Cyprus issue negotiations to achieve reunification through a bizonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, rejecting a two-state solution as unacceptable, emphasizing the importance of UN guidance.

Her recent dialogue with UN Secretary-General’s envoy, Maria Angela Holguin, highlighted the urgency to pick up negotiations where they left off at Crans-Montana, reaffirming the commitment to finding a solution that secures the future and prosperity of all Cypriot people.

What is the main focus of Annita Demetriou’s advocacy regarding the Cyprus issue?

Annita Demetriou advocates for the resumption of Cyprus issue negotiations based on a bizonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, under UN guidance, to reunite Cyprus and ensure its people’s prosperity, firmly rejecting a two-state solution as unacceptable.

The Push for Talks Rekindling

Annita Demetriou, the leader of the Democratic Rally (Disy), has remained steadfast in her conviction that the frozen Cyprus negotiations must thaw. Her recent dialogue with the UN Secretary-General’s personal envoy, Maria Angela Holguin, underscored a shared urgency. Demetriou articulated that a resumption of the Cyprus issue negotiations, picking up the threads at Crans-Montana where they last came to a halt, was the only viable path forward.

During their meeting at the Disy offices, the two exchanged views on the current phase of the Cyprus issue and on Holguin’s mission. The Disy leader expressed a strong desire to reignite efforts to find a solution that would reunite Cyprus and secure the future and prosperity of all its people.

Stance on a Bizonal, Bi-communal Federation

A bizonal, bi-communal federation with political equality has been the longstanding framework for a peaceful resolution as advocated by the Republic of Cyprus. Demetriou emphasized that this should continue to be pursued under the guidance of the United Nations and in alignment with the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

In her discussion with Holguin, Demetriou highlighted the perils of maintaining the status quo, and rejected a two-state solution as unacceptable. The agreement was that restarting negotiations on the basis of the Guterres plan and prior convergences was imperative for reaching a viable solution. Disy conveyed its commitment to creating conditions conducive to a substantial effort to resolve the Cyprus issue, leveraging Cyprus’s position as an EU member state and the broader international community’s support.

Engagement within Cypriot Communities

The party’s dedication extends into the fabric of Cypriot society, working across both Greek and Turkish communities. Demetriou detailed how Disy has been actively involved in initiatives aimed at fostering dialogue and understanding within the island’s diverse population.

When questioned about Holguin’s take on the meeting, the Disy leader mentioned that the UN envoy was keen on grasping the party’s perspective and had not proposed specific ways to jump-start the stalled process. Holguin had also shared insights from her recent meetings in Ankara, seeking to understand the local sentiments that Demetriou and her party encounter daily.

Demetriou firmly stated that the Cyprus problem could not be isolated from the broader regional dynamics. She concluded with an emphatic rejection of the notion of ‘frozen conflicts,’ underscoring the urgency after 50 years of division and occupation, without straying from the UN resolutions or the Republic of Cyprus’s principles.

A Holistic Approach to Resolving the Cyprus Issue

The leaders discussed how the broader geopolitical landscape could not be separated from the Cyprus problem. It was clear that the conflicts surrounding Cyprus are not isolated incidents but part of a larger regional puzzle. The importance of taking a holistic view was evident, considering the complex interplay of interests in the area.

Demetriou ended by reiterating the urgency of the matter, acknowledging that waiting was no longer an option. However, she simultaneously affirmed that any deviation from the UN’s resolutions or the core principles upholding the Republic of Cyprus could not be part of the equation. The meeting with Holguin was a step towards rekindling the dialogue, with hopes that a renewed political effort would pave the way for a united Cyprus.

What is the main focus of Annita Demetriou’s advocacy regarding the Cyprus issue?

Annita Demetriou advocates for the resumption of Cyprus issue negotiations based on a bizonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, under UN guidance, to reunite Cyprus and ensure its people’s prosperity, firmly rejecting a two-state solution as unacceptable.

What is Demetriou’s stance on a bizonal, bi-communal federation?

Demetriou supports the establishment of a bizonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as the framework for a peaceful resolution in Cyprus. She emphasizes the importance of continuing to pursue this solution under the guidance of the United Nations and in alignment with UN Security Council resolutions.

How does Annita Demetriou engage within Cypriot communities?

Demetriou and her party, the Democratic Rally (Disy), actively engage with both Greek and Turkish communities in Cyprus. They participate in initiatives aimed at fostering dialogue and understanding within the island’s diverse population.

How does Annita Demetriou approach the broader regional dynamics in relation to the Cyprus issue?

Demetriou acknowledges the interconnectedness of the Cyprus issue with the broader regional dynamics and stresses the importance of taking a holistic approach to resolving the conflict. She emphasizes the urgency of the matter after 50 years of division and occupation, while also affirming the need to adhere to UN resolutions and the core principles of the Republic of Cyprus.

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