
Thefts on the Rise: Limassol Police Arrest Suspect and Issue Safety Recommendations

theft security

In Limassol, a recent wave of thefts led to the arrest of a 36-year-old man connected to a burglary at a construction site, igniting concerns among locals. In response, the Limassol police have urged residents to enhance their property security with detailed asset records, strong locks, and vigilance, while providing emergency contact numbers for swift assistance.

What safety recommendations has the Limassol police issued in response to rising thefts?

  • Maintain detailed records of all assets for quick identification.
  • Store valuable items in secured, locked, or fenced areas.
  • Enhance storage security with robust locks, alarm systems, and adequate lighting.
  • Remain vigilant and report suspicious activities to police immediately.
  • Use emergency numbers 112 or 199, or the citizen’s hotline at 1460 for prompt assistance.

Increasing Incidents of Theft

The serene atmosphere of Limassol was disrupted recently by a string of thefts, prompting swift action by local law enforcement. A 36-year-old man found himself under arrest, connected to a theft from a building still under construction. The incident came to light when the person overseeing the site reported the crime to the Limassol central police station. Subsequent investigations quickly pointed to the suspect, leading to his arrest on a quiet Tuesday afternoon. This suspect is now facing questioning as authorities work to unravel the details of the case.

The rise in thefts has ignited concerns among residents and business owners alike. In response, the Limassol police force has taken an active stance, advocating for measures to enhance security around vulnerable properties. They suggest several preventative strategies to keep thieves at bay.

Proactive Measures to Secure Property

In a bid to curb the escalating theft incidents, the police have advocated for a proactive approach to property protection. Among the top recommendations is the maintenance of a meticulous record of all assets. This level of detail aids in the quick identification and recovery of items should a theft occur. Additionally, securing properties by storing valuable items in locked or fenced areas can prove to be a formidable deterrent against opportunistic criminals.

Upgrading security measures is another critical step in safeguarding assets. The police suggest enhancing storage spaces with robust locking mechanisms and considering the installation of sophisticated alarm systems and adequate lighting to ward off intruders. Such upgrades not only protect properties but also provide peace of mind for owners.

Vigilance and Community Effort

Beyond physical security enhancements, the police stress the importance of vigilance and community effort in combating theft. They urge the public to remain watchful for any suspicious activities around their neighborhoods. In the event that something out of the ordinary is spotted, citizens are encouraged to act swiftly by reporting to the nearest police station.

For immediate assistance, the authorities can be reached through the citizen’s hotline at 1460 or by dialing the emergency numbers 112 or 199. These channels of communication are vital in facilitating prompt responses to potential threats, thus ensuring the safety and well-being of the community as a whole.


The recent arrest in Limassol serves as a reminder of the ongoing threat of theft and the need for constant vigilance. The police recommendations offer practical steps for individuals and businesses to enhance their security. As the community comes together to implement these measures, there is hope that the tide of thefts can be stemmed, restoring the sense of security that residents of Limassol and beyond rightfully deserve.


What safety recommendations has the Limassol police issued in response to rising thefts?

The Limassol police recommend the following safety measures to enhance property security:
– Maintain detailed records of all assets for quick identification.
– Store valuable items in secured, locked, or fenced areas.
– Upgrade storage security with robust locks, alarm systems, and adequate lighting.
– Stay vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police immediately.
– For prompt assistance, use emergency contact numbers 112 or 199, or the citizen’s hotline at 1460.

What should I do if I notice suspicious activity in my neighborhood?

If you notice any suspicious activity, it is crucial to report it immediately to the nearest police station. You can also use the emergency numbers 112 or 199, or contact the citizen’s hotline at 1460 for swift assistance. Your vigilance can help prevent crime and keep your community safe.

How can keeping detailed records of my assets help in case of theft?

Maintaining detailed records of your assets, including descriptions, serial numbers, and photographs, can significantly aid in the quick identification and recovery of stolen items. Having this information handy can streamline the investigation process and increase the chances of recovering your belongings.

What are the benefits of upgrading my property’s security measures?

Upgrading your property’s security measures provides multiple benefits, including:
– Deterrence against potential thieves, making your property a less attractive target.
– Enhanced protection of valuable items through robust locks and alarm systems.
– Increased peace of mind for property owners, knowing that they have taken proactive steps to safeguard their belongings.
– Improved overall safety for the community, as collective security measures contribute to a lower crime rate.

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