
178 New Members of the Police Ready to Contribute to Society

police graduation

178 new members graduated from the Cyprus Police Academy recently, showcasing their readiness to serve society with a blend of modern knowledge and practical skills after completing a rigorous three-year training program. The ceremony, attended by dignitaries including the Minister of Justice and Chief of Police, marked a milestone for Police Trainee Series No. 153, 154, and 155, highlighting the dedication and commitment of the graduates towards enhancing public safety and order in Cyprus.

How many new members graduated from the Cyprus Police Academy recently?

178 new members graduated from the Cyprus Police Academy (CPA) recently. They completed a rigorous three-year training program, marking their readiness to serve and protect society with a combination of modern theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

A Milestone Ceremony at the Cyprus Police Academy

The Cyprus Police Academy (CPA) was imbued with a sense of pride and accomplishment as it hosted the graduation ceremony for Police Trainee Series No. 153, 154, and 155. This pivotal event marked the culmination of arduous training for the 178 graduates who embarked on their journey on April 5, 2021. The ceremony was graced by dignitaries, including the Minister of Justice and Public Order, Mr. Marios Hatziothitis, and the Chief of Police, Mr. Stelios Papatheodorou.

Honoring the Graduates

In the presence of esteemed members of the Police Leadership, the Director of the Police Academy, Police Officer A’ Mr. Panagiotis Kountouresis, and the families of graduates, the ceremony unfolded. It was a testament to the rigorous three-year training program that combined modern theoretical knowledge and practical skills, involving collaborations with the University of Cyprus and MMAAD, as well as hands-on experience at various Police Stations.

Awards of Distinction

During the eventful celebration, two exemplary members of the Cyprus Police were recognized for their outstanding achievements. They received the Police Merit Cup 2024 and the Basic Crime Detection Training Program (TAE) accolades, showcasing their exemplary performance and dedication. Honored guests such as the Directors of the Police Academies of Greece and Romania, along with the benefactors of the financial awards, Mr. Stelios Dimitriou and Ms. Polina Efthymiou Efthymou, contributed to the sense of camaraderie and support for the law enforcement community.

A Call to Service

The Chief of Police, Mr. Stelios Papatheodorou, addressed the gathering, highlighting the importance of each graduating cohort in strengthening the capabilities of the Police Service. He underscored the vital role education plays in equipping officers with the skills needed to serve and protect society effectively. According to him, educational reforms, including the upgradation of the Department of Crime Detection and Traffic Accident Investigation, have been aligned with societal needs and current legislation.

The Minister’s Vision for Public Order

Mr. Marios Hatziothitis, the Minister of Justice and Public Order, emphasized the government’s commitment to maintaining public order and enhancing the sense of safety among citizens. He urged the new police members to take pride in their role and remain dedicated to serving society with a full understanding of their responsibilities.

Continuing Education and Training

As the ceremony drew to a close, the Director of CPA reaffirmed the Academy’s commitment to ongoing education and retraining across all police action areas. He highlighted the international dimension of the Academy’s educational programs, which not only benefit local officers but also attract personnel from foreign police forces.

Celebrating Achievement

The congratulations extended towards the graduates were not just for completing their studies but also for choosing a path of service. Each graduate was recognized for their commitment, perseverance, and readiness to embrace the responsibilities that come with being a member of the police force.

The ceremony concluded without any personal reflections, leaving the attendees to contemplate the significance of the day and the bright future that lies ahead for the new officers and their contributions to Cypriot society.

178 new members recently graduated from the Cyprus Police Academy after completing a tough three-year training program. The ceremony was attended by important people like the Minister of Justice and Chief of Police, showing the graduates’ commitment to making Cyprus safer and more orderly.

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