
Parts of North Without Electricity for 12 Hours

power outage community response

The 12-hour electricity outage in North’s Yenikent suburb was caused by a boiler explosion at a nearby thermal power plant, affecting areas around Nicosia. Repair efforts followed, with residents resorting to creative solutions like using cars for charging devices amidst the frustrating blackout.

What caused the 12-hour electricity outage in North’s Yenikent suburb?

The 12-hour electricity outage in Yenikent, a suburb in the northern region, was caused by a boiler explosion at a nearby thermal power plant. This disruption lasted from Friday night into Saturday morning and affected the surrounding suburbs of Nicosia. Repair efforts and community updates followed the incident.

Unprecedented Power Outage

Residents of the northern region experienced a significant disruption this weekend due to an unexpected power outage that lasted for 12 hours, starting on Friday night and extending into Saturday morning. The suburbs around Yenikent, located on the outskirts of Nicosia, bore the brunt of this electricity crisis. The cause of the blackout was linked to a boiler explosion at a thermal power plant situated near Kyrenia, which is the primary source of electricity for the area.

Despite assurances from the local electricity authority’s director, Dalman Aydin, that the boiler had been repaired post-explosion and that no further outages would occur, the lights went out in Yenikent late Friday afternoon. It wasn’t until the sun peeked over the horizon the next day that power was restored to the beleaguered suburb.

Community Response and Repair Efforts

In response to the blackout, the mukhtar of Yenikent, Melek Arabacioglu, took to social media to update residents about the ongoing repair efforts. He indicated that teams were dispatched to commence excavation at two critical sites. One was located adjacent to the Prego café – a stone’s throw away from the highway linking Nicosia and Morphou – and the other was nestled in the industrial zone of northern Nicosia.

The community’s frustration was palpable, with residents expressing their discontent across social media platforms. One particular user humorously threatened to bombard the central offices of the electricity authority with eggs if the situation wasn’t rectified soon. Others found temporary solutions by using their cars to charge mobile devices, to provide a bit of illumination, and as a refuge to enjoy air conditioning away from the stifling summer heat.

Political Reactions and Public Concerns

The outage did not just affect the residents’ comfort but also raised concerns about the efficiency and preparedness of the utilities service. The leader of the opposition political party, Tufan Erhurman, voiced his consternation on Saturday morning. He highlighted the silence from officials during the blackout, noting the distress it caused among people left in the dark, uncertain of when normalcy would return.

The event underscored the vulnerability of the area’s infrastructure and the need for transparent communication from authorities in times of crisis. As the community recovers from the night spent without power, questions linger about the resilience of the power grid and what steps can be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.

What caused the 12-hour electricity outage in North’s Yenikent suburb?

The 12-hour electricity outage in Yenikent, a suburb in the northern region, was caused by a boiler explosion at a nearby thermal power plant. This disruption lasted from Friday night into Saturday morning and affected the surrounding suburbs of Nicosia. Repair efforts and community updates followed the incident.

How long did the power outage last in the northern region?

The power outage in the northern region, specifically in the Yenikent suburb, lasted for a total of 12 hours, starting on Friday night and extending into Saturday morning. This outage was caused by a boiler explosion at a nearby thermal power plant.

How did residents respond to the unprecedented power outage?

Residents of the affected areas around Nicosia, particularly Yenikent, responded to the power outage with frustration and creativity. Some residents took to social media to express their discontent, while others found temporary solutions like using their cars to charge mobile devices and provide illumination. The mukhtar of Yenikent also provided updates on repair efforts via social media.

What concerns were raised following the power outage in the northern region?

The power outage raised concerns about the efficiency and preparedness of the utilities service in the area. Political leaders, such as the leader of the opposition party, voiced their concerns about the lack of communication from officials during the blackout. The incident highlighted the vulnerability of the area’s infrastructure and sparked discussions about improving resilience and preventing similar incidents in the future.

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