
Anticipated Appointment of UN Envoy for Cyprus

1) un envoy for cyprus

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected to announce the new envoy for Cyprus soon, raising hopes for a resolution to the long-standing conflict between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities. The Cypriot government eagerly awaits this appointment and is ready to restart negotiations for a peaceful solution.

Who is the new United Nations envoy for Cyprus?

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected to announce the new envoy for Cyprus imminently, signaling renewed efforts to resolve the longstanding conflict. The Cypriot government awaits this appointment eagerly, hoping to restart negotiations for a peaceful resolution between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities.

The search for a new United Nations envoy to address the Cyprus conflict is nearing its conclusion. Konstantinos Letymbiotis, a spokesman for the government, has relayed that an announcement of the appointee by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected imminently.

Renewed Efforts for Resolution

Letymbiotis expressed the government’s eagerness for the appointment process to be expedited. He noted, “The UN Secretary-General has said that he has decided to move forward with appointing an envoy very soon. It is something we welcome, and we want a person to be appointed by the UNSG as soon as possible to start examining if there can be a restart of negotiations.”

The government’s readiness to reengage in negotiations was also communicated during a phone conversation between the president and the UNSG. This willingness to proceed is further underscored by the Greek Cypriot side’s acceptance of the last candidate proposed for the envoy role—a candidate who was subsequently turned down by the Turkish Cypriot side due to her nationality. Reports indicated that the previous nominee, Australian Julie Bishop, was not accepted for the position.

A History of Complex Negotiations

The Cyprus problem has been a long-standing political and territorial dispute between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities. Various attempts at resolving the conflict have taken place over the decades, with the United Nations playing a central role in mediation efforts. The appointment of a new envoy would mark a vital step in rekindling the negotiation process aimed at finding a peaceful resolution.

With the Cypriot government’s current stance being one of cooperation and optimism, there is a palpable sense of anticipation for progress. The global community watches attentively, hopeful that the forthcoming announcement will pave the way for meaningful dialogue and, ultimately, a lasting solution to the Cyprus problem.

Quick Recap

  • The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected to announce the new envoy for Cyprus soon.
  • The Cypriot government eagerly awaits this appointment and is ready to restart negotiations for a peaceful solution.
  • The search for a new United Nations envoy to address the Cyprus conflict is nearing its conclusion.
  • The government is eager for the appointment process to be expedited and wants to restart negotiations as soon as possible.
  • The Cyprus problem has been a long-standing political and territorial dispute between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities, and the United Nations plays a central role in mediation efforts.

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