
President Praises Unficyp’s 60-Year Role in Peace Building (Updated)

peacekeeping cyprus

President Nikos Christodoulides praised the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (Unficyp) for their 60-year role in peace building, acknowledging their efforts in fostering dialogue and maintaining law and order on the island. With over 150,000 personnel from 43 countries contributing to the island’s stability, Unficyp’s mission to restore peace and stability in Cyprus remains crucial amidst ongoing challenges and the need for international support.

What is the role of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)?

The UNFICYP’s role in Cyprus includes monitoring ceasefires, fostering dialogue, supporting humanitarian activities, and maintaining law and order. Established in 1964, they’ve played a crucial part in peace building for 60 years, with over 150,000 personnel from 43 countries contributing to the island’s stability.

A Tribute to Peacekeepers

In a recent address, President Nikos Christodoulides acclaimed the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (Unficyp) for their unwavering efforts over the last 60 years. Their mission to “restore peace, stability, and international legality in Cyprus,” resonates profoundly with the nation, particularly on the anniversary of their establishment under Resolution 186, back in 1964. Christodoulides paid homage to the sacrifice of 187 peacekeepers who have fallen in the line of duty, and he expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the approximately 150,000 personnel who have served on the island.

The Unficyp’s role has been more than monitoring ceasefires; they’ve been instrumental in fostering dialogue, supporting humanitarian activities, and helping maintain law and order. The President’s acknowledgment served as a poignant reminder of the profound impact Unficyp has made on the island’s history and its continued importance to the region.

Ongoing Challenges and The Path Forward

Despite the historical significance and success, the President noted that the peacekeeping force has faced recent challenges from occupying forces, a veiled reference to ongoing tensions with Turkey. These challenges underscore the importance of Unficyp’s presence and the need for it to operate unhindered according to its mandate.

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos echoed the sentiments, stressing the necessity for Unficyp to remain unimpeded in their mission. The aspiration for the day when peacekeepers are no longer needed in Cyprus is a shared sentiment, reflecting the desire for a lasting resolution to the island’s division. In the meantime, diplomats and leaders continue to advocate for a doubled effort towards a peaceful resolution.

Peace Operations and International Support

Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, joined in the tributes, urging all parties to intensify their efforts for peace. He highlighted the peacekeeping force’s role in successfully de-escalating tensions in the absence of an official ceasefire agreement.

The collective service of over 150,000 personnel from 43 countries has been an undeniably vital element in maintaining stability in Cyprus. Lacroix’s remarks serve not only as recognition of their contributions but also as a reminder of the enduring need for peace on the island. The 60th anniversary of Unficyp is not just a milestone but also a call to action for continued support and resolution efforts.

How long has the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) been active?

UNFICYP was established in 1964, making it active for over 60 years. Since its inception, it has played a crucial role in monitoring ceasefires, fostering dialogue, supporting humanitarian activities, and maintaining law and order on the island.

What is the significance of President Nikos Christodoulides’ recent address regarding UNFICYP?

President Nikos Christodoulides recently praised UNFICYP for their 60-year role in peace building, acknowledging their efforts in fostering dialogue and maintaining law and order on the island. He paid tribute to the sacrifice of peacekeepers and expressed gratitude to the personnel who have served on the island. This address highlighted the importance of UNFICYP’s mission and their impact on Cyprus.

What are some ongoing challenges facing UNFICYP?

UNFICYP has faced challenges from occupying forces, with tensions with Turkey being a notable issue. The need for UNFICYP to operate unhindered according to its mandate is crucial in addressing these challenges. Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos emphasized the necessity for UNFICYP to remain unimpeded in their mission and advocated for continued efforts towards a peaceful resolution to the island’s division.

What was the message from Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations?

Jean-Pierre Lacroix highlighted the importance of intensifying efforts for peace and recognized UNFICYP’s role in successfully de-escalating tensions in Cyprus. With the collective service of over 150,000 personnel from 43 countries contributing to stability on the island, Lacroix’s remarks serve as a reminder of the enduring need for peace and continued international support for UNFICYP.

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