
New Beginnings in Latsia: Apostolos Andreas Estate Undergoes Major Changes

housing plan refugee estates

The ktiZO plan in Latsia, Nicosia, is bringing significant changes to the Apostolos Andreas estate. The plan involves demolishing unsafe buildings and offering residents either new, safe apartments or subsidies for private rentals, with support extended to those who opt-out as well.

What is the ktiZO plan in Latsia and how is it impacting residents?

The ktiZO plan is a government initiative aimed at improving the living conditions in refugee estates in Latsia, Nicosia. It involves demolishing unsafe buildings and offering residents either relocation to new, safe apartments or subsidies for private rentals. The plan has started with 43 buildings, supporting residents through a combination of housing options and financial aid.

As the sun rose over the horizon, the landscape of the Apostolos Andreas estate in Latsia, a suburb of Nicosia, began to transform. Bulldozers and demolition teams assembled to take on a significant task: the removal of structures that have long been deemed inadequate for habitation.

ktiZO Plan in Action

Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou was present to witness the beginning of this impactful change. The ktiZO plan, a government initiative aimed at addressing the critical housing conditions in refugee estates, was now shifting from strategy to action. This Friday marked the start of a project with a clear objective: to provide comprehensive and lasting solutions to the longstanding issue of substandard living conditions in these apartment buildings.

“Ioannou emphasized the state’s moral obligation to ensure safe and dignified living conditions for those affected by the ongoing repercussions of unlawful occupation,” noted a spokesperson from the scene. The minister’s commitment to the affected individuals was evident as he spoke about the government’s determination to see this project through to completion.

Housing Plan and Relocation Support

The ktiZO housing plan, introduced earlier this year, is not merely a demolition strategy. It represents hope and support for those residing in condemned structures. The plan offers two options: relocation to new, safe buildings or subsidies for those opting to rent privately. The first phase targets 43 buildings identified as structurally unsafe, with 20 categorized as “imminently dangerous,” requiring urgent evacuation of the tenants.

Growing Interest and Assistance

Despite initial reluctance, the interest in the ktiZO plan has surged. Out of the 43 buildings in the first phase, 274 beneficiaries have indicated their willingness to participate. Some have decided to opt-out, but assistance is still extended to them through rent allowances. The ministry’s monthly expenditure for these allowances reaches approximately €100,000.

Ioannou also shed light on the committee responsible for evaluating refugee cases on a socio-economic basis. It has earmarked 64 cases requiring further help, with private donors stepping in to provide additional support.

Future Developments and Beneficiary Involvement

With the first five buildings in Latsia set for demolition, plans for the demolition of structures in Strovolos municipality and the remaining 20 buildings will soon be announced. The construction of new apartments is a beneficiary-driven process. “The first group has formed, appointed a coordinator, and will soon begin to solicit bids, with our guidance throughout,” Ioannou stated, highlighting the beneficiaries’ active role in the reconstruction phase.

Latsia Mayor Comments on the Development

Latsia Mayor Christos Pittaras remarked on the significant change, pointing out that a 12-year period of uncertainty and risk is finally coming to a close. The mayor expressed his relief that the elderly refugee citizens, who lived in these temporary structures since the 80s, would soon be able to return to safer, more stable homes.

The efforts to revitalize the Apostolos Andreas estate represent not just the demolition of buildings but the construction of a brighter future for its inhabitants. With a clear plan in place and a community ready to rebuild, Latsia looks forward to new beginnings and improved living conditions for all its residents.

Quick Recap

  • The ktiZO plan in Latsia, Nicosia aims to improve the living conditions in the Apostolos Andreas estate by demolishing unsafe buildings and offering residents new apartments or subsidies for private rentals.
  • The plan has started with 43 buildings, providing housing options and financial aid to residents.
  • Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou emphasized the state’s moral obligation to ensure safe and dignified living conditions for affected residents.
  • The ktiZO plan offers two options: relocation to new buildings or subsidies for private rentals.
  • Despite initial reluctance, interest in the ktiZO plan has grown, with 274 beneficiaries indicating their willingness to participate in the first phase.

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