
Family of Missing Police Officer Seeks Restoration of Honor and Benefits

1 justice

The family of missing police officer Theodoulos Solomou seeks justice and financial benefits after his unjust dismissal in 1974. Despite acknowledgement of the wrongful dismissal, their appeals have largely gone unanswered, leaving them to continue their fight for his honor and recognition.

What are the demands of Theodoulos Solomou’s family regarding his legacy?

The family of Theodoulos Solomou, a missing police officer since 1974, seeks the restoration of his honor and the benefits owed for his service. Despite acknowledgement of an unjust dismissal, the family’s appeals for justice and financial benefits have been largely unmet, as they continue to advocate for the rights and recognition deserved by Solomou.

A Quest for Justice Amidst Grief

In the year 1974, a coup d’état led by Eoka B dramatically altered the destiny of Theodoulos Solomou, a dedicated police officer. The tumultuous events that unfolded during that period culminated in a Turkish invasion, leaving Solomou’s family in a state of uncertainty and loss. The family has, since then, been on a relentless pursuit of justice for their father and husband, whose service to the nation seemed to have vanished into thin air when they needed it the most.

Theodoulos Solomou’s Legacy and the Fight for Recognition

Solomou was stationed at Salamina Police Station in Famagusta after surviving the initial chaos of the coup. However, his fate took a dark turn when, just before the second phase of the invasion, he was inexplicably dismissed from his duties. Not long after, during a brutal clash in the village of Assia, Solomou disappeared, leaving behind a widow and seven children.

The government of the time, which was later deemed illegal, left the family without any of the benefits typically afforded to those who serve. Decades passed, and the family’s quest for justice seemed to be a distant dream, with repeated appeals to various administrations, including police leadership and the justice ministry, largely going unanswered.

A Ray of Hope and Subsequent Disappointment

In a turn of events, the family’s efforts appeared to bear fruit in 2019. After an investigation prompted by then Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou, the Chief of Police acknowledged the baseless nature of Solomou’s dismissal. Yet, despite this acknowledgment and an apology, the family’s struggle continued due to changes in the police hierarchy and the subsequent reversal of the decision to reinstate his honor and benefits.

Current Stance of the Police Force

The current police chief has reiterated the force’s commitment to honoring those who have fallen or gone missing, with annual commemorations on May 5th. However, this recognition does not align with the family’s plea to rectify past wrongs and provide the financial benefits that Solomou’s service warranted.

Seeking a Beacon of Hope

Grigoris Solomou, a gynaecologist and son of Theodoulos, has been at the forefront of this battle. Despite the police force’s stance and the lack of progress, there have been some supportive voices. The Humanitarian Affairs Commissioner and other officials have expressed sympathy for the family’s situation, acknowledging the heroism of Solomou and advocating for the restitution of benefits, as would be the case for a serving police officer.

The Path Ahead

While the story of Theodoulos Solomou and his family is marked by tragedy, it is also a narrative of resilience. The family’s continued effort to secure justice is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by individuals during times of political upheaval. The family, bearing the weight of their loss for nearly half a century, remains hopeful that their father’s honor and their rights will be rightfully restored.

Quick Recap

  • The family of missing police officer Theodoulos Solomou seeks justice and financial benefits after his unjust dismissal in 1974.
  • The family’s appeals for justice and financial benefits have largely gone unanswered, leaving them to continue their fight for his honor and recognition.
  • Theodoulos Solomou was dismissed from his duties and disappeared during a clash in 1974, leaving behind a widow and seven children.
  • After an investigation in 2019, the Chief of Police acknowledged the baseless nature of Solomou’s dismissal, but the decision to reinstate his honor and benefits was later reversed.
  • The family’s plea for justice and restitution of benefits does not align with the current police force’s commitment to honoring fallen officers.

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