
Unwavering Support: Pro-Palestine Demonstrations Continue in Cyprus

1 pro-palestine demonstrations

Pro-Palestine demonstrators in Cyprus are demanding a ceasefire, unrestricted access for essential resources into Gaza, an end to Israeli occupation and expansion, and for the Cypriot government to cut all ties with Israel. They continue to express solidarity through weekly marches and vigils. The recent march through Nicosia saw a passionate crowd advocating for the Palestinian cause, demanding a free Palestine and the recognition of the ongoing genocide. The protesters criticized the Cypriot government’s silence and called for immediate action, including severing all relations with Israel. Despite the disappointment, the demonstrators showed unwavering support for the people of Palestine and highlighted the parallel struggles faced by both Cyprus and Palestine. The movement has taken a structured form with the creation of United for Palestine – Cyprus, aiming to actively contribute to the Palestinian struggle for freedom.

What are the main demands of pro-Palestine protesters in Cyprus?

Pro-Palestine demonstrators in Cyprus are demanding a ceasefire, unrestricted access for essential resources into Gaza, an end to Israeli occupation and expansion, and for the Cypriot government to cut all ties with Israel. They continue to express solidarity through weekly marches and vigils.

The March Through Nicosia

The heart of Cyprus’ capital, Nicosia, pulsated with the chants and steps of a determined crowd. For the seventh week in a row, a wave of pro-Palestine protesters voiced their solidarity. The march, which took place on a recent Sunday, saw a throng of passionate individuals commence their stride from the iconic Eleftheria Square. With Makariou Street underfoot, their voices rose in unison, advocating for the Palestinian cause.

Voices and Visions for Palestine

In the sea of protesters, a vivid display of placards painted the air. The messages were clear and potent: calls for a “free Palestine” and the recognition of the “genocide” unfolding before the world’s eyes. Even the resignation of Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides was demanded by some, citing his perceived pro-Israel stance as a point of contention.

Demands for Action

Prior to the demonstration, the protest’s organizers did not mince words. They expressed deep disappointment with the Cypriot government’s silence and inaction. The demands were forthright: a ceasefire, unrestricted access for life-sustaining necessities such as water, electricity, and fuel into Gaza, and an end to the occupation and expansionist plans of Israel. Among the most striking of their calls was for the Cypriot government to sever all relations with Israel.

A Candlelit Vigil

As the daylight waned, the protesters’ resolve did not. A candlelit vigil bathed the evening in a somber glow, commemorating the lives lost since the conflict’s resurgence in October. It was a poignant tribute, an emblem of the grief and unyielding hope for peace.

The Pulse of Solidarity

Amid the crowd, a voice emerged from a Cypriot of Palestinian descent, wishing to remain unnamed but eager to be heard. Their message was one of unity, invoking a shared history that spanned from the era of the Roman Empire to the British mandates. The parallels of illegal occupation faced by both Cyprus and Palestine were underscored, as was the need for collective resistance and the quest for liberation. Their presence, they believed, was a testament to the unwavering support for the people of Palestine.

Critique of Cypriot Government’s Stance

This individual did not shy away from critiquing their own government, denouncing its hypocrisy. The Cypriot support for Palestine was juxtaposed with pleas to the international community to address Turkey’s illegal occupation in Cyprus, revealing a stark contrast in their approach to similar issues. Furthermore, the alleged war crimes by the Israeli regime were not lost on them; though the global response might be muted, the voices in Cyprus were anything but silent.

United for Palestine: A New Movement

The solidarity movement has taken a structured form with the creation of United for Palestine – Cyprus. Born in response to the ongoing strife in Gaza, this group has established weekly public meetings. These gatherings serve as a platform for dialogue on how Cypriots can actively contribute to the Palestinian struggle for freedom.

With the situation in Gaza showing no signs of abating, it is expected that the spirit of protest will continue to be a fixture on Cyprus’s streets, manifesting the people’s resolve for justice and peace.

Quick Recap

  • Pro-Palestine demonstrators in Cyprus are demanding a ceasefire, unrestricted access for essential resources into Gaza, an end to Israeli occupation and expansion, and for the Cypriot government to cut all ties with Israel.
  • The recent march through Nicosia saw a passionate crowd advocating for the Palestinian cause, demanding a free Palestine and the recognition of the ongoing genocide.
  • The protesters criticized the Cypriot government’s silence and called for immediate action, including severing all relations with Israel.
  • The movement has taken a structured form with the creation of United for Palestine – Cyprus, aiming to actively contribute to the Palestinian struggle for freedom.
  • The solidarity movement in Cyprus continues to express support through weekly marches and vigils, highlighting the parallel struggles faced by both Cyprus and Palestine.

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