
President to meet Holguin again on Saturday

diplomatic endeavors political stance

President Nikos Christodoulides will meet with UN envoy Maria Holguin on Saturday to discuss reviving negotiations for the Cyprus issue. The goal is to maintain a bizonal bicommunal federation framework in line with UN resolutions.

What is the aim of the upcoming meeting between President Nikos Christodoulides and UN envoy Maria Holguin?

The aim of the meeting between President Christodoulides and UN envoy Holguin is to find common ground that could lead to the revival of negotiations for resolving the Cyprus issue, maintaining a bizonal bicommunal federation framework, and adhering to UN resolutions.

Diplomatic Endeavors in Cyprus

President Nikos Christodoulides is set for another pivotal meeting with the UN Secretary General’s personal envoy for Cyprus, Maria Holguin, on Saturday. This follows their recent discussion on Monday, marking a second round of crucial contacts on the island. The ultimate aim of these discussions is to unearth some common ground, which could potentially lead to the revival of negotiations to resolve the longstanding Cyprus issue.

While the content of their discussions remains confidential, the general sentiment seems cautiously optimistic. The envoy’s meetings have sparked a willingness “to explore” potential solutions, a development that’s been characterized as “a good thing.” The coming days could be critical in shaping the island’s future.

Political Stance and Concerns

The political leaders of Diko and Akel, Nicholas Papadopoulos and Stefanos Stefanou, have also lent their voices to the dialogue with Holguin. Papadopoulos expressed Diko’s unwavering stance that any solution must adhere to the existing UN resolutions and high-level agreements that define a bizonal bicommunal federation. He emphasized that deviations from this framework would be considered unacceptable.

On the other hand, there is a palpable concern regarding the intentions of the Turkish side. Papadopoulos noted that they seem averse to reigniting the negotiation process, possibly looking to lead discussions to a stalemate with an alternative agenda in mind.

The European Union’s Role

The role of the European Union in this complex geopolitical tapestry has not been overlooked. Both party leaders believe that the EU could play a more active part, potentially offering a mix of incentives or sanctions related to Turkey’s aspirations of joining the bloc. Such measures could coax Ankara back to the negotiating table.

Stefanou, reiterating Akel’s position, stressed the importance of maintaining the agreed-upon foundation for a solution—a bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality as prescribed by the UN. Any deviation, especially towards a two-state solution, is seen as a dangerous red line that cannot be crossed.

Striving for Progress

The push for progress continues, with Stefanou highlighting the significance of picking up the negotiations from where they left off in 2017. He mentioned that the previous efforts and the groundwork laid within the Guterres framework should not go to waste. Furthermore, the dialogue has brought attention to the potential for creating a positive agenda. By offering strategic incentives, especially in the realm of energy, the EU could potentially influence Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots to return to the negotiation table.

These talks signify more than just political maneuvers; they carry the hopes of a population yearning for a peaceful resolution to a dispute that has divided their island for decades. As Saturday approaches, anticipation builds for what might be the next step towards a lasting solution.

What is the aim of the upcoming meeting between President Nikos Christodoulides and UN envoy Maria Holguin?

The aim of the meeting between President Christodoulides and UN envoy Holguin is to find common ground that could lead to the revival of negotiations for resolving the Cyprus issue, maintaining a bizonal bicommunal federation framework, and adhering to UN resolutions.

What is the significance of the involvement of the political leaders of Diko and Akel in the discussions with UN envoy Maria Holguin?

The involvement of political leaders from Diko and Akel, such as Nicholas Papadopoulos and Stefanos Stefanou, adds weight to the discussions with UN envoy Holguin. They emphasize the importance of adhering to existing UN resolutions and agreements in order to maintain a bizonal bicommunal federation framework as the basis for any potential solution to the Cyprus issue.

How does the European Union factor into the efforts to revive negotiations for the Cyprus issue?

Both party leaders believe that the European Union could play a more active role by offering incentives or sanctions related to Turkey’s aspirations of joining the EU. By potentially influencing Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots through strategic incentives, especially in the energy sector, the EU could help bring all parties back to the negotiation table.

What is the sentiment regarding the potential for progress in the negotiations for the Cyprus issue?

There is cautious optimism surrounding the potential for progress in the negotiations for the Cyprus issue. The recent dialogue with UN envoy Holguin has sparked a willingness to explore potential solutions, and there is an acknowledgment of the groundwork laid in previous negotiations that should not go to waste. The upcoming discussions are seen as a critical step towards a lasting solution for the long-standing Cyprus issue.

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