
Postal Workers in Cyprus Launch Strike Over Work Conditions

work conditions overtime hours

Postal workers in Cyprus, represented by the Isotita union, have gone on strike due to increased overtime, lack of engagement from the postal services directorate, safety concerns, and the risk of traffic accidents. They are demanding better working conditions, hazardous work compensation, and improved overtime pay. The strike is expected to cause disruptions in mail services until the end of the week.

Why are postal workers in Cyprus on strike?

Postal workers in Cyprus, represented by the Isotita union, are striking due to increased overtime hours, lack of engagement from the Cyprus postal services directorate, safety concerns, and the risk of traffic accidents, exacerbated by heavy traffic and extreme weather conditions. They demand better working conditions, hazardous work compensation, and improved overtime pay.

Postal delivery officers in Cyprus, roughly numbering 300, have embarked on a work stoppage that is expected to last until the end of the week. The strike was initiated by members of the Isotita union, who are advocating for better working conditions and addressing the issue of increased overtime hours that have persisted for several years.

The Core Issues Behind the Strike

The root of the discontent among the post office workers, as outlined by the president of Isotita’s post office delivery branch, Mr. Panayi, is the gradual increase in overtime hours. This has led to a feeling of professional disempowerment and a sense of job insecurity. The union members have taken a firm stance against these changes, opting to cease overtime work from the second day of January.

During a demonstration at the entrance of Nicosia, near the Kalispera traffic lights, the announcement of the strike was made public. The union had previously attempted to engage with the Cyprus postal services directorate by sending letters in June and November of 2023, pressing for a meeting to iron out these issues. As per Panayi’s statement, the lack of response over six months prompted the union to take decisive action.

Safety Concerns and Accident Risks

Safety concerns and the risk of traffic accidents have also been highlighted as significant issues for postal workers. Panayi referenced data from the road transport department revealing that 11 percent of postal delivery workers are involved in accidents each year. With the number of vehicles on Cyprus roads having doubled since 2012, the risk posed to postal workers has dramatically increased. Additionally, the extended peak hours, now spanning from four to eight hours, add to the perilous conditions faced by these workers.

In terms of working conditions, postal workers face extreme weather in Cyprus, particularly during the summer when they are exposed to intense heat and dust levels that exceed acceptable limits. Panayi emphasized that these factors justify the workers’ demands for hazardous work compensation and better overtime pay.

The Ongoing Impact of the Strike

The decision to strike has significant implications for postal services across the island. The absence of a large portion of the delivery workforce until Friday is likely to cause delays and disruptions in mail services. The striking workers and the union hope that their actions will lead to constructive dialogue with the Cyprus postal services and result in positive changes to their working conditions.

Why are postal workers in Cyprus on strike?

Postal workers in Cyprus, represented by the Isotita union, are on strike due to increased overtime hours, lack of engagement from the Cyprus postal services directorate, safety concerns, and the risk of traffic accidents. They are demanding better working conditions, hazardous work compensation, and improved overtime pay.

What are the core issues behind the strike?

The core issues behind the strike include the gradual increase in overtime hours, leading to a feeling of professional disempowerment and job insecurity among postal workers. The lack of engagement from the Cyprus postal services directorate and the risk of traffic accidents are also major concerns for the workers.

What safety concerns and accident risks do postal workers in Cyprus face?

Postal workers in Cyprus face safety concerns and the risk of traffic accidents. Data from the road transport department shows that 11 percent of postal delivery workers are involved in accidents each year. The increased number of vehicles on Cyprus roads and the extended peak hours further contribute to the perilous conditions faced by the workers.

What is the ongoing impact of the strike?

The strike by postal workers in Cyprus is expected to cause delays and disruptions in mail services until the end of the week. The absence of a significant portion of the delivery workforce will have a significant impact on postal services across the island. The striking workers and the union hope that their actions will lead to constructive dialogue with the Cyprus postal services and bring positive changes to their working conditions.

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