
Catholic Bishop to Be Ordained in Nicosia

catholicism episcopal ordination

The ordination of Bruno Varriano in Nicosia is a historic moment for the Catholic Church in Cyprus, marking the first of its kind since the Ottoman era and signaling a new chapter of ecumenical unity in the region. This event symbolizes hope and reaffirms the mission of the Church in Cyprus amidst its diverse cultural and historical landscape.

What is the significance of Bruno Varriano’s ordination in Nicosia?

Bruno Varriano’s ordination as Auxiliary Bishop in Nicosia marks a historic event for the Catholic Church in Cyprus, being the first of its kind since the Ottoman era. It signifies a new era of ecumenical unity and the strengthening of religious ties between Cyprus and the wider Mediterranean. This ordination is a beacon of hope and reaffirmation of the Church’s mission amidst Cyprus’s diverse cultural and historical landscape.

Historic Episcopal Ordination

The ecclesiastical landscape in Cyprus is poised for a historic moment as Bruno Varriano takes his place as the newly appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in Cyprus. His ordination is scheduled for a Saturday in Nicosia, stirring excitement within the religious community. The event, notably taking place two months after Pope Francis nominated Varriano, is significant as it marks the first ordination of its kind in the modern era – a period stretching back to the times post the Ottoman invasion in 1571 which saw the formal dissolution of the Cypriot Catholic Church.

The ordination ceremony is set to unfold at the Filoxenia Conference Centre at 4:30 pm. A range of esteemed guests, including the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Pierbattista Pizzaballa, will be in attendance. Pizzaballa’s statement conveyed a heartfelt “gratitude and joy” upon Varriano’s appointment. He is charged with the continuation of his mission as Patriarchal Vicar for Cyprus, now strengthened by the fullness of the priestly ministry.

Profile of the Bishop-Elect

A rich background complements Varriano’s recent nomination. Born in 1971 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he later joined the Custody of the Holy Land in 1996. With a dual role as a priest and psychotherapist, his expertise in clinical psychology has been beneficial during his service at the French Hospital in Jerusalem. His academic credentials include a Licentiate in Spiritual Theology from the Pontifical “Antonianum” University in Rome and a Diploma in Biblical Formation.

In August 2022, Varriano’s journey took a significant turn as he was appointed Vicar of the Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins for Cyprus. His Brazilian heritage and deep involvement in the services of the Church render his presence in Cyprus particularly noteworthy, and his living on the island signifies a new chapter for the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem since its establishment in 1959.

Ecumenical Celebration

This ordination is not just a ceremonial formality but a symbol of the vibrant ecumenism present in Cyprus. Leaders and representatives from various Catholic communities, including Archbishop Georgios of Cyprus, Roman Catholic Archbishop Theodoros Kontidis of Athens, and Maronite Archbishop Selim Sfeir of Cyprus, will be present. Further, it is anticipated that guests from the Vatican and numerous other countries like Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Poland, Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus will also join in solidarity, underscoring the island’s role as a crossroads of faith and cultures.

The event showcases unity amidst diversity, as clergy and laity from different traditions come together to witness this significant occasion. The ordination of Varriano is a powerful testimony to the enduring spirit of the Christian faith in Cyprus, amidst a complex history of regional conflict and cultural interweaving. It is a beacon of hope and a reaffirmation of the Church’s mission in the modern world.

A New Era for the Catholic Church in Cyprus

The arrival of Bruno Varriano as Auxiliary Bishop heralds the dawn of a new era for the Catholic Church on the island. It’s a step forward in reinforcing the strong religious ties that bind Cyprus to the Holy Land and the wider Mediterranean region. The historical significance of the event is only matched by the promise of renewal and continued dialogue among the different Christian denominations in Cyprus.

With the Episcopal Ordination, the Catholic community looks forward to the contributions of Bishop Varriano in fostering spiritual growth and development. His multifaceted background as a priest and psychologist, along with the rich tapestry of cultural experiences he brings, is set to enrich his ministry and the lives of those he serves. The presence of such a diverse array of leaders and representatives from around the world at the ordination is a testament to the respect and unity that the Church seeks to promote, especially in regions marked by historical and ongoing challenges.

What is the significance of Bruno Varriano’s ordination in Nicosia?

Bruno Varriano’s ordination as Auxiliary Bishop in Nicosia marks a historic event for the Catholic Church in Cyprus, being the first of its kind since the Ottoman era. It signifies a new era of ecumenical unity and the strengthening of religious ties between Cyprus and the wider Mediterranean. This ordination is a beacon of hope and reaffirmation of the Church’s mission amidst Cyprus’s diverse cultural and historical landscape.

Who is Bruno Varriano and what is his background?

Bruno Varriano, born in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1971, joined the Custody of the Holy Land in 1996. He holds a Licentiate in Spiritual Theology from the Pontifical “Antonianum” University in Rome and a Diploma in Biblical Formation. Varriano has served as a priest and psychotherapist, with a special focus on clinical psychology during his time at the French Hospital in Jerusalem. He was appointed Vicar of the Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins for Cyprus in August 2022, bringing his Brazilian heritage and extensive church service experience to the role.

What can be expected during the ordination ceremony in Nicosia?

The ordination ceremony for Bruno Varriano is set to take place at the Filoxenia Conference Centre in Nicosia at 4:30 pm. Esteemed guests, including the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Pierbattista Pizzaballa, will be in attendance. The ceremony marks a historic moment for the Catholic Church in Cyprus, emphasizing ecumenical unity and strengthening religious connections in the region. The event will be a celebration of faith and a symbol of hope for the future of the Church in Cyprus.

Why is the ordination of Bruno Varriano considered an ecumenical celebration?

The ordination of Bruno Varriano in Nicosia is not just a ceremonial event but a symbol of vibrant ecumenism in Cyprus. Leaders and representatives from various Catholic communities, including Archbishop Georgios of Cyprus, Roman Catholic Archbishop Theodoros Kontidis of Athens, and Maronite Archbishop Selim Sfeir of Cyprus, will be present. The event highlights unity amidst diversity and the enduring spirit of the Christian faith on the island, showcasing the Church’s mission in a complex historical and cultural landscape.

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