
Olympic Shooters Raise Concerns over Federation’s Mismanagement

1 mismanagement

Olympic shooters in Cyprus are expressing concerns over financial mismanagement and lack of expertise within the Cyprus Shooting Federation, as well as inadequate ranges for national championships. They are calling for a complete overhaul of the federation to address these issues and support athletes’ international competitions.

What are the concerns raised by Olympic shooters regarding the Cyprus Shooting Federation?

Olympic shooters are raising concerns over financial mismanagement, the lack of expertise within the Cyprus Shooting Federation, and the decision to hold national championships at inadequate ranges. They’re calling for a federation overhaul to address these issues, safeguard the sport’s integrity, and support athletes’ international competitions.

A Cry for Fair Management in Shooting Sports

Amidst the echoes of gunfire at the range, a different shot was heard – one of dissent. The Olympic trap and double trap shooters association aired their grievances on Friday, laying bare their dissatisfaction with the Cyprus Shooting Federation’s governance. Phaidias Savvides, the association’s president, didn’t mince words as he underscored the international laurels Cypriot athletes have won for their homeland.

Despite their illustrious performances abroad, these sharpshooters find themselves in a predicament of financial self-reliance when it comes to competing at the global level. Their quest for Olympic glory has them reaching into their own pockets to fund their participation in international competitions.

The Call for Intervention

Savvides’ appeal to the KOA was clear: step in and overhaul the current board of the Cyprus Shooting Federation. The association, which came into existence in September 2021, was envisioned as a beacon to foster and propel the sport forward. Yet, they came face to face with hurdles and resistance.

Savvides detailed how their discovery of a startling lack of knowledge about Olympic shooting sports within the federation’s leadership dealt their first blow. This spurred the association to strive for positive contributions, which were met with hostility and disdain.

Financial Misallocation and Competition Woes

The president pointed out that despite the federation’s nod to the 2023 national championship, the association felt sidelined once again. Funds from the KOA were allegedly mishandled by the federation, burdening its inadequate budget with misappropriated expenses.

Savvides brought to light the federation’s decision to hold the majority of the national championship events in ranges not suited for Olympic shooting—either due to their deficiencies or problematic competitive conditions. This led to a boycott and subsequent delayed championship start, although they later capitulated to safeguard the athletes’ Olympic preparation.

Expertise or Lack Thereof

The current federation board, dominated by individuals lacking basic knowledge of the sport, has been navigating the sport through treacherous waters, according to Savvides. His call to depose the board was firm, with the conviction that their continued governance could spell disaster for the sport.

Evidence of Mismanagement

Marios Aristodemou, the association’s secretary, supplemented Savvides’s account with evidence of mismanagement. He revealed irregular decisions, political and personal vested interests within the federation, and practices detrimental to the sport’s integrity, like result falsification and manipulative competition draws.

Andreas Makris, an Olympic trap shooter, corroborated these claims and shared his struggles with the financial burdens imposed on athletes for international competition. He spoke out against the vindictive actions and arbitrary decisions targeting athletes by the federation’s board.

In Summary

While the accusations have been laid bare and the call for change has been made, the next steps remain uncertain. The shooters’ association hopes for a swift and fair resolution, one that will allow them to focus once again on hitting their targets and bringing further honor to Cyprus on the international stage.

Jonathan Shkurko: More than Just a Byline

Jonathan Shkurko, a name many Cyprus Mail readers will recognize, is not just another journalist. Since 2019, he has been weaving stories across various beats, from crime to cuisine, politics to sports. A polyglot with fluency in English, Italian, Spanish, and Romanian, Shkurko’s diverse skillset goes beyond writing—he’s also a restaurant critic, exploring the island’s culinary offerings.

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Quick Recap

  • Olympic shooters in Cyprus are expressing concerns over financial mismanagement and lack of expertise within the Cyprus Shooting Federation.
  • They are also unhappy with the decision to hold national championships at inadequate ranges.
  • The shooters are calling for a complete overhaul of the federation to address these issues and support athletes’ international competitions.
  • The association’s president, Phaidias Savvides, appealed to the KOA to step in and overhaul the current board of the federation.
  • Evidence of mismanagement, including irregular decisions and practices detrimental to the sport’s integrity, has been presented by the shooters’ association.

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