
‘The cruellest thing’: the relatives of the Missing and wasted suffering

missing persons greek cypriots

The relatives of the Missing in Cyprus grapple with deep emotional pain, as generations have lived in a state of false hope since the 1974 Turkish invasion, often manipulated by their own leaders who suggested that their loved ones might still be alive. Meanwhile, the Turkish Cypriot leadership, under Rauf Denktash, offered a stark contrast, providing brutally honest admissions that allowed families to mourn, highlighting the profound betrayal felt by those searching for truth and closure.

What is the impact of perpetuating false hope regarding the Missing in Cyprus?

The impact of perpetuating false hope for the families of the Missing in Cyprus is profound, leading to prolonged psychological torment and a state of limbo that prevented closure. This narrative, maintained by various administrations despite likely knowing the truth, represents a betrayal of trust, affecting not just individual families but the entire societal fabric.

Lingering Pain of Unfulfilled Promises

For decades, the anguish has been palpable among those who lost loved ones during the tragic events that unfolded following the Turkish invasion of 1974. The psychological torment was amplified by the sustained narrative that the missing Greek Cypriots might still be alive, a narrative which instilled a persistent, yet futile, hope in their families. This narrative was not born of ignorance but was a constructed message delivered through various administrations. These politicians, it seems, were aware of the likely fate of those who had disappeared but chose to tell a different story.

The perpetuation of this narrative was not without consequence. Families clung to hope when, in reality, certainty might have allowed them to grieve and, in time, find some semblance of closure. Instead, they experienced a prolonged state of limbo, their lives haunted by the absence of definitive answers. The impact of this has been profound and multi-generational, a wound that has scarred the collective consciousness of a community.

The Dichotomy of Truth

In a stark contrast, the approach taken by the Turkish Cypriot leadership under Rauf Denktash was brutally honest. Denktash’s declaration that if someone was missing, they were likely deceased, although harsh, afforded Turkish Cypriot families the painful clarity that enabled them to mourn. This difference in approach between the two communities has been a subject of critical reflection, raising questions about the motivations behind the sustained narrative in the south.

The dissemination of false hope did not just affect the families of the Missing. It was a broader societal wound, casting a shadow over the integrity of successive governments and their policies. The emotional manipulation of a population for political gain, as some suggest, is a betrayal that transcends individual loss, affecting the entire fabric of society.

Unraveling the Fabricated Hope

As the years passed, the narrative began to unravel, with evidence emerging that contradicted the official stance. The discovery of graves and the eventual identification of remains contradicted the long-held claim that the Missing were still alive. This unraveling was not spontaneous but the result of pressure from various quarters, including investigative journalists, historians, and the families themselves, who relentlessly sought the truth.

By the turn of the millennium, the number of the Missing was officially adjusted, and the government, under mounting pressure, began to acknowledge the complexity and seriousness of the issue. This shift marked a significant turning point in the handling of the Missing Persons’ issue.

A Race Against Time

Today, the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus, established in the early ’80s but only becoming fully active in the mid-2000s, works tirelessly to locate and identify remains of the Missing on both sides of the island. It’s a race against time, as each year the number of living individuals who hold essential information dwindles. The work of the CMP is not only a matter of closing chapters for individual families but also a crucial step toward communal healing and reconciliation.

As of recent counts, hundreds of individuals remain unaccounted for, their fates concealed by time and the reticence of the past. The ongoing efforts to uncover the truth about the Missing are not just about redressing historical injustices; they are about restoring dignity to those who have endured the unbearable and honoring the memories of those who cannot speak for themselves.


What is the significance of the Missing Persons issue in Cyprus?

The Missing Persons issue in Cyprus is significant as it encapsulates the deep emotional pain and psychological trauma endured by families since the Turkish invasion in 1974. This issue transcends individual loss, affecting the entire society’s fabric, as generations have lived with the false hope of their loved ones’ survival. The ongoing search for truth and closure is crucial for communal healing and reconciliation, highlighting the urgent need to address historical injustices.

How has the narrative surrounding the Missing Persons evolved over the years?

Initially, the narrative surrounding the Missing in Cyprus perpetuated a false hope, suggesting that many individuals might still be alive. This was in stark contrast to the more honest admissions by Turkish Cypriot leadership, which recognized the likelihood of the deceased status of the Missing. Over the years, pressure from families, journalists, and historians led to an unraveling of this constructed narrative, prompting authorities to acknowledge the reality of the situation and adjust the official count of the Missing.

What role does the Committee on Missing Persons (CMP) play in addressing this issue?

The Committee on Missing Persons (CMP) in Cyprus plays a crucial role in locating and identifying the remains of individuals classified as Missing. Established in the early 1980s and becoming fully active in the mid-2000s, the CMP works tirelessly to provide closure for families and restore dignity to the victims. Their efforts are vital not only for individual families but also for fostering reconciliation and healing within the broader community, as they seek to uncover the truth behind the fates of countless individuals.

Why is the pursuit of truth regarding the Missing Persons considered a race against time?

The pursuit of truth regarding the Missing Persons in Cyprus is considered a race against time due to the diminishing number of individuals who hold critical information about their fates. Each passing year reduces the pool of living witnesses, making it imperative to uncover information and evidence swiftly. The urgency of this work is compounded by the need to address historical injustices, honor the memories of the Missing, and provide the grieving families with the closure they deserve.

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