
A Minute with Mikaela Tsangari, Sound Engineer/Producer

sound engineering producer

Mikaela Tsangari, a sound engineer and producer, starts her day with coffee, enjoys autobiographies and music from Tamikrest, and values time with friends and good food. Her quirky fridge holds green Tabasco and expired feta, offering a glimpse into her relatable and humorous side.

What does a day in the life of sound engineer Mikaela Tsangari look like?

Mikaela Tsangari starts her day with coffee, finds inspiration in autobiographies, enjoys music from artists like Tamikrest, and values time with friends and good food. Her fridge humorously houses green Tabasco and expired feta, illustrating a relatable, quirky side to her life.

Morning Rituals and Inspiration

If you’ve ever wondered what fuels the creativity of a sound engineer and producer, Mikaela Tsangari’s answer might surprise you: buckets of coffee. Despite a caffeine-heavy start, her perfect day is quite simple and relatable, revolving around the company of good friends and good food. Isn’t that a sentiment many can echo?

In the realm of literature, Tsangari finds herself drawn to autobiographies, citing “Best Seat in the House” by Jerry Shirley as a standout read. Her love for music pervades even her reading preferences—no surprise for someone whose life is steeped in sound.

A Glimpse into Personal Tastes

Delving into her personal life, Tsangari shares a mix of nostalgic and contemporary details. The absence of a mobile phone in her childhood memories is telling of a less digitally dominated past. Fast forward to today, and she reveals an eclectic taste in music—currently, the tunes of Tamikrest and Pantelis Thalassinos grace her car’s speakers, much to her baby’s delight.

A peek into her fridge reveals a staple with an almost comedic twist: green Tabasco and perpetually expired feta. It’s these small, humanizing details that remind us that the people shaping our media landscapes have lives as quirky and varied as our own.

Professional Pride and Personal Values

Tsangari takes immense pride in her professional achievements. Making a living solely out of music is no small feat, especially in an industry still largely dominated by men. Her sense of accomplishment is palpable and serves as an inspiration for aspiring sound engineers and producers, irrespective of gender.

When asked about a movie that left a lasting impression, she references a powerful scene from “Into The Wild.” The protagonist’s realization that “happiness [is] only real when shared” resonates with Tsangari, underscoring the importance of connection and shared experiences in a life well-lived.

Dreams, Fears, and Advice

If given the chance to spend an evening with anyone, Tsangari would choose her late grandmother, Nefeli—a woman she describes as a complete badass. It’s a poignant reminder that the people who impact our lives the most are often those we wish we could have known better or longer.

Her concerns echo those of many in today’s society: the pervasive influence of social media on the young and the looming threat of climate change. Tsangari’s greatest fear is not being able to shield her child from these forces, as well as the prospect that they may one day have to leave their home behind due to environmental disasters.

In the face of an ending world, her imagined reaction is both humorous and human—a mix of panic and surrender, culminating in a nice meal as a form of acceptance. It’s a candid snapshot into the mind of someone who values the simpler aspects of life amidst chaos.

Reflections on Time and Integrity

Contemplating time travel, Tsangari’s wishlist includes an array of concerts, hinting at the deep connection she feels to live music as a sound engineer. Her advice to her younger self is encouraging: life improves in manifold ways, a reassuring message for those currently struggling.

When it comes to relationships, Tsangari has clear deal-breakers. Lying and poor hygiene are non-negotiables, reflecting her values of honesty and self-care. These principles likely extend into her approach to work and creativity, fostering a career grounded in integrity.

In the end, the dialogue with Mikaela Tsangari provides a multifaceted look at the person behind the mixing board—her tastes, her fears, her achievements, and her advice. It’s a reminder that behind every professional title, there’s a rich personal story waiting to be shared.

What fuels the creativity of sound engineer Mikaela Tsangari?

Mikaela Tsangari finds inspiration in autobiographies, loves music from artists like Tamikrest, values time with friends and good food, and starts her day with coffee. Her quirky fridge holds green Tabasco and expired feta, offering a glimpse into her relatable and humorous side.

What movie scene left a lasting impression on Mikaela Tsangari?

A powerful scene from “Into The Wild,” where the protagonist realizes that “happiness [is] only real when shared,” resonates with Mikaela Tsangari. This underscores the importance of connection and shared experiences in a fulfilled life.

If given the chance, who would Mikaela Tsangari choose to spend an evening with?

Mikaela Tsangari would choose her late grandmother, Nefeli, whom she describes as a complete badass. This choice reflects a desire to connect with someone impactful and inspiring from her past.

What advice does Mikaela Tsangari have for her younger self?

Mikaela Tsangari’s advice to her younger self is encouraging: life improves in manifold ways. This message serves as reassurance for those currently facing struggles in their own lives.

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