
Cleaning up Limassol one beach at a time

environmental stewardship community-driven

Limassol’s City Friends Club is on a mission to clean up the beaches, with over 100 bags of trash recently removed from the coastlines. Through monthly volunteer efforts, they are educating and inspiring collective action for a cleaner environment, making a significant impact in protecting Limassol’s natural beauty.

How is the City Friends Club cleaning up Limassol’s beaches?

City Friends Club, a community NGO in Limassol, organizes monthly beach clean-ups, uniting volunteers to restore the coastlines. They collect trash, educate on environmental protection, and aim to inspire collective action for a cleaner environment. Over 100 bags of trash and recyclables were recently gathered, signifying their positive impact.

United by a Common Cause

Limassol’s coastline is witnessing a transformation, thanks to the concerted efforts of the City Friends Club, a community-driven NGO. With an unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship, the organization orchestrates monthly clean-up operations that mobilize volunteers from all walks of life. From the bustling urban centers to the serene outskirts, these eco-warriors leave no stone unturned in their mission to restore the natural beauty of Limassol’s landscapes.

Their dedication is palpable, with individuals traveling across the island from Nicosia and Paphos to lend a hand. Remarkably, their passion for the environment is so profound that even personal milestones like birthdays take a backseat to the cause. On June 8, the picturesque Kanayio beach became the latest beneficiary of their work, a testament to the lasting impact of their first clean-up endeavor, which led to the removal of illegal structures.

Beyond the Shoreline

The initiative’s reach goes beyond mere clean-up; it’s an educational crusade that fosters awareness and appreciation for the environment. Volunteers, equipped with the necessary gear, embark on their quest to sanitize the land, combatting both the sweltering heat and the remnants of human neglect. This past Saturday, to coincide with World Ocean Day, the event took an educational twist. The younger volunteers, though armed with water pistols, were more engrossed in the environmental cause than playful combat.

City Friends Club’s origins date back to 2021, with an inaugural clean-up in Foinikaria. Since then, the organization’s activities have surged, with the year 2023 marking 22 decisive interventions across the city. From post-carnival street clean-ups to a record-breaking haul near a Green Point, their message is clear: collective action can indeed usher in monumental change.

Local Champions and Future Ambitions

Inga, the clean-up manager, believes in the power of the individual to spark collective action. The organization is continuously scouting for new locations to tend to, ensuring accessibility and safety for the volunteers. Regular participants like Marat, a six-year resident of Cyprus, are driven by a vision to eradicate the blemishes of pollution that tarnish the island’s highways. His finds during the clean-ups are as diverse as they are odd, ranging from unopened bottles of fine wine to engagement rings.

The volunteers’ stories are as varied as their backgrounds. Kristina, a frequent participant, emphasizes the importance of keeping the environment pristine for both ecological and human health. Ludmilla, accompanied by her son Etofa, highlights the educational aspect of these efforts. For them, preserving the marine ecosystem is directly linked to the welfare of the sea creatures they cherish.

Natalia Mutovkina, the CEO of City Friends Club, notes the growing interest in the clean-ups, with new faces joining the seasoned ranks every time. The NGO’s footprint is expanding beyond Limassol, with aspirations to galvanize communities across the island. With local elections on the horizon, there is hope for improved waste management practices, but until then, their strategy remains to tackle pollution one location at a time.

As the sun set on Saturday’s clean-up, the volunteers left behind a pristine beach and a message of hope. Over 100 black bin bags of trash, 38 bags of recyclables, and various large items were collected. Among the peculiar treasures unearthed was a Tupperware filled with watermelon, a quirky reminder of humanity’s footprint on nature.

How is the City Friends Club cleaning up Limassol’s beaches?

City Friends Club organizes monthly beach clean-ups, mobilizing volunteers to collect trash, educate on environmental protection, and inspire collective action for a cleaner environment. Their recent efforts resulted in the removal of over 100 bags of trash and recyclables from Limassol’s coastlines.

What is the mission of City Friends Club?

City Friends Club is dedicated to cleaning up Limassol’s beaches, educating the community on environmental protection, and inspiring collective action for a cleaner environment. They aim to restore the natural beauty of Limassol’s landscapes through volunteer efforts and awareness campaigns.

How can individuals get involved with the City Friends Club’s beach clean-ups?

Individuals interested in getting involved with City Friends Club’s beach clean-ups can join their monthly volunteer efforts. They can reach out to the organization through their website or social media channels to stay updated on upcoming clean-up events and participate in restoring Limassol’s coastlines.

What impact has the City Friends Club made on Limassol’s environment?

City Friends Club has made a significant impact on Limassol’s environment by removing over 100 bags of trash and recyclables from the beaches, educating the community on environmental stewardship, and inspiring collective action for a cleaner environment. Their efforts have transformed the coastlines and raised awareness about the importance of preserving Limassol’s natural beauty.

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