
‘Illegal’ Limassol fish farm also suspected of money laundering

environmental damage illegal activities

The Limassol fish farm has caused controversy due to its illegal expansion into protected zones, environmental damage to the Kouris dam, misappropriation of EU funds, and suspected money laundering. Audit reports have implicated several government ministries, leading to an ongoing investigation into corruption and abuse of power.

What is the controversy surrounding the Limassol fish farm?

The Limassol fish farm is embroiled in controversy for illegal expansion into protected zones, environmental damage to Kouris dam, misappropriation of EU funds, and suspected money laundering. Audit reports implicate several government ministries, leading to an ongoing investigation into corruption and abuse of power.

Uncovered Operations

A fish farm nestled in the tranquil village near Limassol has been entangled in a web of illicit activities. For years, the operation has not only bypassed legal channels but has left an indelible mark on the environment surrounding the Kouris dam. Several ministries are now under scrutiny for potentially abusing their power, as suggested by a report from the audit service made public on Wednesday.

The report paints the farm’s operations as not just unauthorized but as an aggressive encroachment on protected zones. Kouris dam, once a safeguard against fires, now finds its water resources depleted. Public safety, it appears, has been compromised by the fish farm’s business pursuits.

Environmental and Legal Ramifications

In a detailed account, the audit service sheds light on the scale of the irregularities. The implicated business encompasses two fish farms, one in Trimiklini and the other in Sylikou. Both, falling under the same ownership, have extended their activities to state-owned land, where they have set up unauthorized structures for fish breeding, accommodation, relaxation, and dining facilities.

This unchecked sprawl of facilities did not have the consent of any regulatory body, leading to a significant reduction in the drainage capacity of the Kouris river. Despite the flagrant violations, there has been no intervention from the deputy tourism ministry to rectify the situation.

Financial Misconduct and Government Complicity

Scrutiny extends beyond environmental damage. The owner of the farm, with the aid of a close relative, is alleged to have misappropriated funds. A sum of €420,000, intended for community water supplies as part of an EU-backed initiative, was seemingly diverted to sustain the fish farm.

The gravity of the situation is compounded by suspicions of money laundering activities within the farm’s financial dealings. These have prompted reports to both the European Anti-Fraud office and Cyprus’ unit for combating money laundering.

The audit’s findings don’t only cast a shadow on the fish farm itself but also implicate a host of government officials from the agriculture, interior, and deputy tourism ministries. The case, now escalated to Cyprus’ anti-corruption authority, calls for a thorough investigation into potential abuse of power and corruption.

This investigation was sparked not only by the complaints lodged with the audit service but also by a directive from the House environment committee. As the community awaits further developments, the repercussions of these findings continue to unfold.

1. What is the controversy surrounding the Limassol fish farm?

The Limassol fish farm is embroiled in controversy for illegal expansion into protected zones, environmental damage to Kouris dam, misappropriation of EU funds, and suspected money laundering. Audit reports implicate several government ministries, leading to an ongoing investigation into corruption and abuse of power.

2. What are some of the environmental and legal ramifications of the Limassol fish farm?

The Limassol fish farm has extended its activities to state-owned land without the consent of any regulatory body. Unauthorized structures for fish breeding, accommodation, relaxation, and dining facilities have been set up. This has led to a significant reduction in the drainage capacity of the Kouris river, causing environmental damage. The deputy tourism ministry has not intervened to rectify the situation.

3. Is there any financial misconduct associated with the Limassol fish farm?

Yes, the owner of the fish farm, along with a close relative, is alleged to have misappropriated funds. A sum of €420,000, intended for community water supplies as part of an EU-backed initiative, was diverted to sustain the fish farm. There are also suspicions of money laundering activities within the farm’s financial dealings, prompting reports to both the European Anti-Fraud office and Cyprus’ unit for combating money laundering.

4. Which government ministries are implicated in the controversy surrounding the Limassol fish farm?

The audit’s findings implicate several government officials from the agriculture, interior, and deputy tourism ministries. The case has been escalated to Cyprus’ anti-corruption authority for a thorough investigation into potential abuse of power and corruption. The investigation was sparked by complaints lodged with the audit service and a directive from the House environment committee.

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