
Larnaca Court Hears Pleas in Alleged Weapons Cache Case

crime weapons

The two men in Larnaca are accused of concealing an arsenal of weapons in an Oroklini graveyard, facing charges including possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and a silencer. Their not guilty plea sets the stage for a legal battle that highlights concerns over public safety and potential criminal activity, as the community awaits the next steps in the unfolding case.

What are the charges against the two men in the Larnaca weapons cache case?

The two men in Larnaca are accused of conspiracy to commit a felony, unlawful possession, and transportation of firearms, ammunition, and explosives. They face five counts related to firearms, one for ammunition, seven for unlicensed possession of explosives, and illegal possession and transportation of a silencer.

The Accusation: A Grave Situation

In the coastal city of Larnaca, a case that seems like the plot of a crime thriller is unfolding. Two men, aged 46 and 35, find themselves at the center of a serious legal battle. Accused of concealing an arsenal of weapons within the quiet confines of an Oroklini graveyard, they made their stance clear to the Larnaca Criminal Court: not guilty. The charges against them are severe and manifold, including conspiracy to commit a felony, unlawful possession, and transportation of firearms, ammunition, and explosives.

The law has laid out a substantial list of offenses, comprising five counts pertaining to the possession and conveyance of firearms, along with one related to firearm ammunition. Furthermore, the charges extend to seven counts of unlicensed possession of explosives and the illegal possession and transportation of a silencer. The gravity of these accusations is notable, as they reflect concerns over public safety and the potential for serious criminal activity.

The Investigation: A Closer Look

Delving deeper into the events leading to their arrest, it becomes apparent that this is no ordinary case. In May, the elder of the two was allegedly observed engaging in suspicious activity at the cemetery. Police reports suggest he was seen retrieving a bag from a grave site. This bag, upon inspection by law enforcement, revealed a shotgun, a pistol, and a significant quantity of ammunition. The subsequent search of the grave unearthed even more disturbing findings: military-grade weaponry, including a rocket launcher complete with projectiles, various cartridges, and improvised explosive devices—one reportedly primed for detonation via mobile phone.

The younger suspect has not evaded scrutiny either, as he too was reportedly witnessed removing items from the same grave. The police, vigilant in their surveillance, have pieced together a narrative of clandestine operations and concealed firepower that has shaken the local community.

The Defense: A Fight for Freedom

As the judicial proceedings commenced, the defendants faced the possibility of being held in custody until the trial. The prosecution, citing the severity of the charges, requested that the men remain detained. However, the defense attorney for the 35-year-old objected, advocating for his client’s release. This plea for liberty was ultimately denied by the court, which ordered both suspects to be held until the hearing resumed on September 24.

This decision underscores the court’s inclination to err on the side of caution, given the potential implications of the case at hand. The defense teams, tasked with navigating through these serious allegations, are poised to mount their arguments in favor of their clients’ innocence.

The Legal Road Ahead

The suspects, their pleas entered, now await the continuation of the legal process. The Larnaca Criminal Court has set the stage for what promises to be a thorough examination of the evidence and testimonies. As the community watches on, the case serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle against illicit activities and the importance of due diligence in maintaining public safety and order.

The next chapter of this legal saga will unfold on September 24, where the facts of the case will be further scrutinized, and the defendants will continue to contend for their exoneration amidst the serious allegations they face.

What are the charges against the two men in the Larnaca weapons cache case?

The two men in Larnaca are accused of conspiracy to commit a felony, unlawful possession, and transportation of firearms, ammunition, and explosives. They face five counts related to firearms, one for ammunition, seven for unlicensed possession of explosives, and illegal possession and transportation of a silencer.

What events led to the arrest of the suspects in the Larnaca case?

In May, the older suspect was allegedly seen engaging in suspicious activity at an Oroklini graveyard, where he retrieved a bag containing a shotgun, a pistol, and ammunition. A subsequent search of a grave uncovered military-grade weaponry, including a rocket launcher, cartridges, and improvised explosive devices. The younger suspect was also observed removing items from the same grave.

What was the court’s decision regarding the suspects’ detention?

The prosecution requested that the suspects remain in custody due to the severity of the charges against them. Despite the defense attorney’s objection advocating for his client’s release, the court denied the plea for liberty and ordered both suspects to be held until the hearing resumed on September 24.

When is the next hearing scheduled for the Larnaca weapons cache case?

The next hearing for the Larnaca weapons cache case is set to resume on September 24. During this hearing, the evidence and testimonies will be further examined as the defendants continue to assert their innocence amidst the serious allegations they are facing.

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