
Eroglu: North must ‘embrace reality’

cyprus conflict international embargoes

Former Turkish Cypriot Leader Dervish Eroglu urges the north of Cyprus to confront the truth: Greek Cypriots reject key Turkish Cypriot demands. Eroglu calls for recognizing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and denounces international embargoes hindering progress in resolving the Cyprus conflict.

What is the main message from former Turkish Cypriot Leader Dervish Eroglu regarding the Cyprus conflict?

Former Turkish Cypriot Leader Dervish Eroglu stated that the north of Cyprus must acknowledge the truth that Greek Cypriots are unwilling to accept Turkish Cypriot red lines for resolving the Cyprus problem. He emphasized the need for recognizing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and expressed skepticism about UN mediation efforts, while condemning the international embargoes that hinder progress.

A Firm Stance on the Cyprus Conflict

Former Turkish Cypriot Leader Dervish Eroglu has made a poignant declaration, asserting that the north of Cyprus must come to terms with a certain truth. In his view, the Greek Cypriot side has consistently shown disinterest in accepting the Turkish Cypriot red lines that would pave the way for solving the longstanding Cyprus problem. Eroglu’s statement was released during a recent conversation with a local news outlet.

Eroglu emphasized the importance of recognizing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and working towards its prosperity, leaving behind certain entrenched issues. He expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of the United Nations’ envoy Maria Angela Holguin’s efforts, doubting any positive outcomes from her mission. Eroglu asserted that the Greek Cypriot leadership, along with the Greek Cypriot church, have never acknowledged Turkey’s status as a guarantor power—a fundamental disagreement blocking progress.

The Impasse and International Embargoes

Continuing his remarks, Eroglu criticized the international embargoes imposed on the north, highlighting their detrimental effect on resolving the Cyprus problem. He condemned the situation as shameful, not only for the world but also for the Greek Cypriots who claim to uphold civilized values and human rights. The former leader lamented that, despite promises made to the Turkish Cypriots during the 2004 referendum, the EU and other global entities have failed to deliver improvement or relax the embargoes, instead choosing to penalize the north while rewarding the Greek Cypriots.

Eroglu, with a tone of resilience, stated, “We are Turks, and we know well the realities of the world. They will not be willing to give us our rights. We will have to take them.” He pointed out the unchanging perspective of the Greek Cypriots and Greece, who see Cyprus as a Greek island, unwilling to share the island’s governance or its wealth.

The Quest for a Solution

Reflecting on the post-Annan plan era, Eroglu touched upon the negotiation processes, starting with the period when Mehmet Ali Talat and Demetris Christofias sought a resolution. Despite high hopes due to their political alignment and support for a federal solution, their negotiations, which spanned roughly two years, led to a standstill. Eroglu also recounted his own tenure, from 2010 to 2015, describing it as marred by an international smear campaign that mischaracterized his intentions and commitment to a federal solution. He accused Christofias of lacking genuine commitment and using tactics to derail the negotiations.

Furthermore, Eroglu criticized the subsequent leader, Anastasiades, describing him as a leader held back by prior commitments and unable to make progress. He cited various preconditions set by Anastasiades, such as demanding the handover of Varosha and direct negotiations with Turkey, as stalling tactics. Despite these challenges, a joint statement was eventually issued in 2014, which Eroglu praised for clarifying that sovereignty would be shared between both communities in a future united Cyprus.

Eroglu’s tenure was followed by Mustafa Akinci’s leadership, during which time negotiations with Anastasiades ultimately came to an impasse in 2017 and have remained dormant since. Eroglu concluded by underscoring the unwillingness of the Greek Cypriot side to share power or resources with the Turkish Cypriots, alleging their preference for a return to the pre-1974 status and a completely Greek Cyprus. He urged an acknowledgment of this reality as the international community continues navigating the complex political terrain of Cyprus.

What is the main message from former Turkish Cypriot Leader Dervish Eroglu regarding the Cyprus conflict?

Former Turkish Cypriot Leader Dervish Eroglu stated that the north of Cyprus must acknowledge the truth that Greek Cypriots are unwilling to accept Turkish Cypriot red lines for resolving the Cyprus problem. He emphasized the need for recognizing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and expressed skepticism about UN mediation efforts, while condemning the international embargoes that hinder progress.

What does Eroglu criticize in relation to the Cyprus conflict?

Eroglu criticized the international embargoes imposed on the north, highlighting their detrimental effect on resolving the Cyprus problem. He condemned the situation as shameful, noting that despite promises made to the Turkish Cypriots during the 2004 referendum, the EU and other global entities have failed to deliver improvement or relax the embargoes.

What challenges does Eroglu mention about past negotiation processes for Cyprus?

Eroglu reflected on past negotiation processes, mentioning challenges faced during the tenures of previous leaders. He criticized Christofias for lacking genuine commitment to a federal solution and accused Anastasiades of setting stalling preconditions, ultimately leading to an impasse in negotiations. Eroglu underscored the unwillingness of the Greek Cypriot side to share power or resources with the Turkish Cypriots.

What is Eroglu’s view on the future of the Cyprus conflict?

Eroglu urged the north of Cyprus to acknowledge the reality that Greek Cypriots do not intend to share governance or wealth with the Turkish Cypriots. He expressed a firm stance on the need to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and confront the challenges of international embargoes hindering progress in resolving the Cyprus conflict.

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