
Foreign Minister Kombos Calls for ‘Meaningful Negotiations’

diplomacy conflict resolution

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos urges for “meaningful negotiations” on the Cyprus issue, advocating for a bizonal, bicommunal federation in line with UN resolutions and EU principles to achieve peace. His strong stance at the 39th PSEKA Conference in Washington DC highlights the urgency of resolving the longstanding division on the island through cooperation and adherence to international norms.

What is Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos’s stance on the Cyprus issue?

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos advocates for “meaningful negotiations” based on a bizonal, bicommunal federation to resolve the Cyprus issue. Upholding UN resolutions and EU principles, he emphasizes the need for political equality and adherence to international norms for a peaceful reconciliation.

The Urgency of Resolution

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos took a firm stand on the need for meaningful dialogue regarding the Cyprus issue in his address at the 39th PSEKA Conference in Washington DC. With an assertive tone, Kombos emphasized the urgency of finding a resolution that aligns with the framework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation. This framework, upheld by the UN Security Council Resolutions, is seen as the only legitimate path to reconciliation, ensuring political equality and adhering to EU principles and values.

The Minister’s statement comes at a critical juncture, as the island remains divided since the events of 1974. Kombos’s words reflect a commitment to legality and the international norms that guide conflict resolution. His warning against alternative approaches highlights the broader dangers of setting precedents that could disrupt global order.

Cyprus in the International Arena

During his compelling speech, Kombos also reaffirmed Cyprus’s willingness to cooperate with the UN Secretary-General’s envoy. This gesture underscores the nation’s dedication to a solution through cooperation and international diplomacy. The commitment of both Kombos and President Christodoulides to engage in negotiations with realism and determination was clear, reflecting a robust strategic vision for the future of Cyprus.

The PSEKA Conference serves not only as a platform for diplomatic discussions but also as a vital link to American society and the US Administration. By leveraging these relationships, Cyprus aims to strengthen its position and voice within the international community.

A Legacy of Division

Kombos’s visit to the conference coincided with the inauguration of a poignant Photographic Exhibition. This exhibition marks the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and ongoing occupation of Cyprus. Through a curated selection of over 100 photographs, some revealed to the public eye for the first time, the display paints a vivid picture of the devastation and suffering endured by the Cypriot people.

With each photograph, the powerful narrative of resilience and remembrance is told. These images are a testament to the unyielding spirit of the Cypriot people, who, despite the passage of time, continue to hold on to the memories as an unshakable point of reference. The exhibition, which made its debut in Washington DC, is set to embark on a global journey through Cypriot Diplomatic Missions, bringing the story and the struggle for reunification to the forefront of the global stage.

The Quest for Reunification

Reflecting on half a century of division, Minister Kombos spoke passionately about the ongoing occupation’s impact and the violation of basic human rights. He denounced the disregard for public International Law and international values, reinforcing the sentiment that fifty years of occupation is intolerable.

The steadfast goal remains clear – the reunification of Cyprus is paramount, and the determination to see this goal realized is stronger than ever. Kombos’s closing remarks resonated with a sense of hope and a call to action for all parties involved to come together in a concerted effort to heal the divided island nation.

What is Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos’s stance on the Cyprus issue?

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos advocates for “meaningful negotiations” based on a bizonal, bicommunal federation to resolve the Cyprus issue. Upholding UN resolutions and EU principles, he emphasizes the need for political equality and adherence to international norms for a peaceful reconciliation.

Why did Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos emphasize the urgency of resolving the Cyprus issue?

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos emphasized the urgency of finding a resolution for the Cyprus issue during the 39th PSEKA Conference in Washington DC to highlight the critical need for meaningful dialogue and cooperation to achieve peace. The longstanding division on the island requires immediate attention to prevent further destabilization and ensure adherence to international norms.

How is Cyprus engaging in international diplomacy regarding the Cyprus issue?

Cyprus, under the leadership of Foreign Minister Kombos and President Christodoulides, is dedicated to engaging in negotiations with realism and determination. The nation is cooperating with the UN Secretary-General’s envoy and leveraging platforms like the PSEKA Conference to strengthen its position within the international community and advocate for a resolution based on a bizonal, bicommunal federation.

What is the significance of the Photographic Exhibition marking the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus?

The Photographic Exhibition marking the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus serves as a poignant reminder of the devastation and suffering endured by the Cypriot people. Through over 100 curated photographs, the exhibition tells a powerful narrative of resilience and remembrance, bringing the ongoing struggle for reunification to the forefront of the global stage.

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