
EU Adopts Resolution for Return of Varosha to Its Legal Residents

cyprus varosha

The EU’s resolution mandates the return of Varosha, Cyprus, to its rightful residents, emphasizing adherence to UN Resolutions 550 and 789 and demanding Turkey to retract its illegal actions in the region for Cyprus’s reunification talks to resume. This significant step by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) aims to address the longstanding issue of Varosha’s occupation and signal progress towards finding a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus conflict.

What is the EU’s resolution on the return of Varosha to its legal residents?

The EU’s resolution, passed by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), mandates the return of Varosha, Cyprus, to its rightful residents. It calls for adherence to UN Resolutions 550 and 789, and for Turkey to retract its illegal actions in Varosha as a step towards resuming dialogue for Cyprus’s reunification.

PACE Approves Resolution for Varosha

In a notable move toward resolving a longstanding issue, the plenary of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) recently passed a resolution spearheaded by Rapporteur Piero Fassino. This resolution mandates the return of Varosha, a region in Cyprus, to its rightful residents. Varosha has remained a controversial and sensitive subject since its occupation, and the resolution’s approval signals a significant step towards addressing this humanitarian concern.

Despite facing opposition from Turkish MPs, the resolution saw substantial support within PACE, with a clear majority voting in favor. It’s important to note the critical role played by Cypriot MP Giorgos Loukaides, who, along with others, made a decisive impact on the resolution’s successful passage.

The Significance of Famagusta in Cyprus

The resolution addresses the broader context of Cyprus, particularly the situation regarding Famagusta. This historic city has been under occupation since the Turkish invasion in 1974, and its status as a ‘ghost town’ has been a point of contention for decades. Greek Cypriot MPs have been vocal in countering Turkish assertions and emphasizing the risks associated with Turkey’s unilateral decision to partially reopen Varosha to the public.

This act of reopening has been universally condemned as it only serves to prolong the impasse and maintain the status quo, which is widely regarded as untenable. The resolution adopted by PACE thus demands the retraction of Turkey’s illegal activities in the area and considers the reversal of these actions as a prerequisite to resuming dialogue under United Nations guidance.

The Pursuit of a Comprehensive Solution

The PACE resolution outlined a clear path for the resolution of the Varosha issue. It called for the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 550 and 789, or alternatively, as part of a set of confidence-building measures aimed at fostering a broader resolution to the Cyprus conflict. In this framework, the return of Varosha to its legal residents is seen as a pivotal step.

Furthermore, the resolution also supports the initiatives of Maria Angela Holguin, the personal envoy of the UN Secretary-General, who is actively working to restart negotiations. It urges Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership to adhere to the relevant UN resolutions and return to the negotiation table, emphasizing that the continued division of Cyprus poses a threat to the stability of the Eastern Mediterranean region.

EU Council and EPP on Cyprus Reunification

The European Union’s council has consistently advocated for the reunification of Cyprus and the discovery of a fair, sustainable, and comprehensive solution that respects the rights and interests of all communities on the island. The adopted resolution reaffirms this stance and the EU’s commitment to seeking a solution in accordance with international law.

Giorgos Stamatis, speaking on behalf of the European People’s Party (EPP), highlighted the gravity of the issue, noting that Nicosia remains the only divided European capital. He called for the withdrawal of Turkish troops and the restoration of Varosha to its legitimate inhabitants. Stamatis stressed the importance of political measures by the Council of Europe to prevent the escalation of longstanding conflicts, drawing a parallel with the situation in Ukraine. The report by Fassino was portrayed as a significant advancement towards a united Cyprus that respects the rights of both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, aligning with international norms and the European acquis.

What is the significance of the EU’s resolution on the return of Varosha to its legal residents?

The EU’s resolution, passed by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), mandates the return of Varosha, Cyprus, to its rightful residents. It calls for adherence to UN Resolutions 550 and 789, and for Turkey to retract its illegal actions in Varosha as a step towards resuming dialogue for Cyprus’s reunification.

How did the resolution on Varosha fare in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)?

Despite facing opposition from Turkish MPs, the resolution saw substantial support within PACE, with a clear majority voting in favor. The resolution was spearheaded by Rapporteur Piero Fassino and gained approval in a notable move towards resolving the longstanding issue of Varosha in Cyprus.

What is the broader context surrounding Famagusta in Cyprus?

Famagusta, a historic city in Cyprus, has been under occupation since the Turkish invasion in 1974. The resolution adopted by PACE addresses the situation in Famagusta, condemning Turkey’s unilateral actions in the region and emphasizing the need for dialogue under United Nations guidance for a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus conflict.

What is the European Union’s stance on Cyprus reunification and the resolution for Varosha?

The EU Council has consistently advocated for the reunification of Cyprus and the adoption of a fair, sustainable, and comprehensive solution in accordance with international law. The resolution for Varosha’s return to its legitimate residents aligns with the EU’s commitment to seeking a solution that respects the rights and interests of all communities on the island.

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