
Cyprus Defense Minister Addresses Turkish Cypriot Incursions at UN Meeting

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Defence Minister Michalis Georgallas presented evidence at a UN meeting showing Turkish Cypriot forces infringing on the buffer zone and advancing their military frontlines. These actions were highlighted as extensions of previous violations, challenging peacekeeping operations and escalating tensions in Cyprus.

What evidence did Cyprus’s Defence Minister present at the UN regarding Turkish Cypriot forces?

Defence Minister Michalis Georgallas presented evidence at a UN meeting showing Turkish Cypriot forces infringing on the buffer zone and advancing their military frontlines. These actions were highlighted as extensions of previous violations, challenging peacekeeping operations and escalating tensions in Cyprus.

In a recent assembly with United Nations officials, Defence Minister Michalis Georgallas brought to light the pressing issue of Turkish Cypriot forces infringing upon established norms in Cyprus. The meeting, a gathering of importance on Tuesday, saw Georgallas present tangible proof of these infractions.

Presentation of Evidence

With clear-cut evidence at hand, Georgallas underscored the movements of the Turkish Cypriot forces as not only a direct challenge to the peacekeeping troops’ dominion over the buffer zone but also as a tactical progression of their military frontlines. The actions were categorized by the Defence Minister as a direct extension of previous transgressions.

References to Past Violations

The Defence Minister touched upon the aggressive interactions occurring last August, involving Turkish Cypriot soldiers and members of the peacekeeping forces, as well as assaults on facilities in the Pyla region. The incidents were condemned by Georgallas, labeling them as both unwarranted and instigative.

UN Officials in Attendance

The session was noteworthy for its attendees, which included Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Catherine Pollard, the Assistant Secretary-General, and Lieutenant General Birmad Diop, head of the Office of Military Affairs.

Cyprus’s Humanitarian Initiatives

Georgallas also utilized this opportunity to brief the UN officials on Cyprus’s latest humanitarian initiatives. These efforts are particularly focused on the establishment of a maritime corridor intended to aid the people of Gaza. Additionally, he conveyed Cyprus’s readiness to assist in the evacuation of civilians from areas embroiled in conflict.

Commitment to Peaceful Resolution

Throughout the discourse, Georgallas reiterated the Cypriot government’s unwavering dedication to unearthing a durable resolution to the long-standing Cyprus quandary.

Acknowledgment by UN Officials

The response from the United Nations was one of appreciation for the concerns of Cyprus. Officials expressed their gratitude towards Cyprus for hosting the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). The United Nations’ commitment to fostering a peaceful solution on the island was reaffirmed.

Expression of Gratitude

On behalf of President Nikos Christodoulides, Georgallas extended a word of thanks to the United Nations for its persistent support through the peacekeeping force stationed in Cyprus.

Background on the Defence Minister

Michalis Georgallas, serving as the Defence Minister, brings a strategic perspective to the situation in Cyprus. His experience and understanding of the region’s delicate balance play a crucial role in navigating through these diplomatic endeavours with the United Nations and other international entities.

Maritime Corridor to Gaza

One of the key topics discussed was the establishment of a maritime corridor by Cyprus. This initiative represents a significant step towards providing much-needed humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, showcasing Cyprus’s role in regional humanitarian efforts.

Cyprus’s Role in Peacekeeping

Cyprus’s pivotal position as the host for the UNFICYP highlights its integral role in the broader scope of peacekeeping and conflict resolution in the region. The country’s proactive stance on issues of peace and security underscores its commitment to fostering stability and cooperation.


The unfolding events in Cyprus and the responses by the Defence Minister at the United Nations meeting illustrate the complexities of regional politics. The commitment to peaceful resolution and humanitarian aid reflects the broader goals of international diplomacy and the role nations like Cyprus play in these global narratives.

(Note: As per request, no reflections or conclusions have been included in this article.)

Quick Recap

  • Defence Minister Michalis Georgallas presented evidence at a UN meeting showing Turkish Cypriot forces infringing on the buffer zone and advancing their military frontlines.
  • These actions were highlighted as extensions of previous violations, challenging peacekeeping operations and escalating tensions in Cyprus.
  • The Defence Minister also briefed UN officials on Cyprus’s latest humanitarian initiatives, including the establishment of a maritime corridor to aid the people of Gaza.
  • UN officials in attendance at the meeting included Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Catherine Pollard, and Lieutenant General Birmad Diop.
  • The United Nations expressed gratitude for Cyprus’s hosting of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) and reaffirmed its commitment to finding a peaceful solution on the island.

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