
Cyprus Business Now: Weekly Wrap-Up

maritime sector economic fluctuations

The Cyprus Marine Club event highlighted how digitalisation is revolutionizing maritime operations, with KeelX’s solutions leading the way in enhancing operational efficiency and compliance in ESG, EU ETS, and CII Management.

Cyprus continues to navigate economic fluctuations, with developments such as Alkis H. Hadjikyriakos Public Ltd adjusting prices in response to rising cocoa costs, showcasing adaptive strategies amidst changing market conditions. These advancements, alongside innovations in agriculture, energy, finance, and infrastructure, underscore Cyprus’s commitment to progress and sustainability in various sectors.

What is the impact of digitalisation on maritime operations according to the Cyprus Marine Club event?

Digitalisation in maritime operations enhances operational efficiency, particularly in ESG compliance, EU ETS, and CII Management. KeelX’s solutions exemplify this progression, streamlining shipping companies’ processes as presented at the Cyprus Marine Club event.

Maritime Sector Advances

The Cyprus Marine Club (CMC) continues to be a beacon of unity for the maritime industry. It recently hosted a well-attended event that highlighted its growing influence. The keynote was delivered by Aristos Philis, CEO & Founder of KeelX. His presentation on the impact of digitalisation in maritime operations, especially in the areas of ESG, EU ETS, and CII Management, offered valuable insights. Philis showcased how KeelX’s innovative solutions are poised to streamline and enhance shipping companies’ operational efficiency.

In another nod to the maritime sector’s evolution, Cyprus’ Deputy Minister of Shipping, Marina Hadjimanolis, provided an overview of the challenges Cyprus overcame during the IMO elections in December 2023. Opposition from certain geopolitical blocs highlighted the complexities faced in international maritime politics. Nonetheless, the success of Cyprus in these elections underscores its strategic importance and influence in global maritime affairs.

Economic Fluctuations and Developments

Cyprus’ economy faced a slight setback, as indicated by the dip in the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) for February 2024. CypERC attributes this to faltering consumer confidence and a cooling business climate, with the construction sector being the sole exception. This dynamic can impact business expectations and household economic perceptions, both now and in the future.

On a more positive note, Alkis H. Hadjikyriakos Public Ltd announced a strategic price adjustment for its chocolate products. This move comes as a direct response to the significant rise in global cocoa costs. While it presents a challenge, it also reflects the company’s adaptive strategies in face of fluctuating raw material prices.

Innovation and Sustainability in Agriculture

The Cyprus Research and Innovation Centre (CyRIC) is leading the charge in agricultural technology with the EU-funded dAIry 4.0 project. This groundbreaking initiative promises to transform dairy farming with AI-driven automated milking and feeding systems. As the project kicks off in the Netherlands, it’s a clear sign that the agricultural sector is embracing sustainability and efficiency through technological advancements.

Achievements in Energy and Finance

Energean has hit a remarkable milestone by producing the first gas from Karish North. Utilizing innovative infrastructure, such as the Energean Power FPSO vessel, the company is maximizing its gas export capacity. This development is crucial for regional energy production and supply.

The financial landscape is also evolving. The Artemis Credit Bureau is adapting its evaluation criteria to include ESG considerations from March 2024. This shift reflects a broader trend in business towards sustainability. Moreover, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and the Hellenic Capital Market Commission’s recent joint event emphasized the rapid progression of financial technology and sustainable investment interest.

Governmental and Infrastructural Moves

Cyprus is taking significant steps in its digital transition. The Minister of Finance and the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy are collaborating to propel this initiative, which is integral to the Recovery and Resilience Plan. However, challenges remain, as seen in the European Investment Bank’s stance on the ambitious Great Sea Interconnector project, signaling the hurdles in funding large-scale infrastructure.

Celebrating Tourism and Legislative Progress

The tourism industry is savoring its success with the Cyprus Hospitality Awards, celebrating the internationalization of Cypriot gastronomy. Also, the legislative landscape is seeing changes aimed at reinforcing a business-friendly climate, such as the abolition of the annual corporate tax levy. These developments are indicative of Cyprus’s commitment to a thriving economy.

Optimism for the Future

The Central Bank of Cyprus forecasts a promising 2.2 percent GDP growth for 2023, with expectations of continued growth in the coming years. This is contingent on the implementation of reforms and a focus on sustainable development. Additionally, the Cyprus Stock Exchange’s 2024 budget approval signals legislative support for its strategic goals.

In fiscal cooperation, the CBC and the Bank of Greece have reinforced their relationship with a Memorandum of Cooperation, promising enhanced financial collaboration. Lastly, the vitality of Cyprus’s culture shines through Limassol’s annual carnival, a testament to the community’s spirit and creativity, promising innovation and connection.

What is the impact of digitalisation on maritime operations according to the Cyprus Marine Club event?

Digitalisation in maritime operations enhances operational efficiency, particularly in ESG compliance, EU ETS, and CII Management. KeelX’s solutions exemplify this progression, streamlining shipping companies’ processes as presented at the Cyprus Marine Club event.

How is Cyprus adapting to economic fluctuations and market conditions?

Cyprus is showcasing adaptive strategies amidst changing market conditions, as seen with developments like Alkis H. Hadjikyriakos Public Ltd adjusting prices in response to rising cocoa costs. The country continues to navigate economic fluctuations with a commitment to progress and sustainability in various sectors.

What innovative projects are driving sustainability in agriculture and energy sectors?

Cyprus Research and Innovation Centre (CyRIC) is leading the agricultural sector with the EU-funded dAIry 4.0 project, focusing on AI-driven automated milking and feeding systems. In the energy sector, Energean’s production of gas from Karish North using innovative infrastructure is contributing to regional energy production and supply.

How is Cyprus progressing in terms of digital transition and legislative reforms?

Cyprus is taking significant steps in its digital transition, with collaboration between the Minister of Finance and the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy. Legislative reforms, such as the abolition of the annual corporate tax levy and reinforcing a business-friendly climate, reflect Cyprus’s commitment to progress and sustainability.

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