
Call to Modernize the Island’s Fishing Industry

tags: fishing industry modernization

Cyprus’s fishing industry is facing challenges with Ports Authority cooperation, economic distress caused by bureaucratic hurdles, and mismanagement of funds. Urgent reforms are needed to modernize the industry and ensure fishermen have unrestricted access to their vessels. The completion of the Larnaca port dredging is seen as crucial for boosting efficiency and prosperity in the future.

What are the challenges and proposed reforms for modernizing Cyprus’s fishing industry?

  • Cypriot fishermen face challenges with Ports Authority cooperation, particularly at Latsi port.
  • Economic distress caused by bureaucratic hurdles and mismanagement of European Maritime Fund allocations.
  • Urgent reforms include strategic development, industry modernization, and ensuring fishermen have unrestricted access to vessels.
  • Hope rests on timely completion of Larnaca port dredging to boost efficiency and prosperity.

Cyprus’s fishing sector is at a pivotal point, with industry professionals voicing the need for urgent reform and modernization. This clarion call was made clear during a recent parliamentary committee meeting, where significant challenges and potential solutions were thoroughly discussed.

Current State of Affairs

MP Charalambos Pazaros spoke candidly about the declining state of fishing and livestock farming on the island. There’s a stark contrast emerging, as other nations advance with modern techniques while local industries lag behind. Pazaros pointed out the issues fishermen face, particularly with the Ports Authority, which has been less than cooperative.

Port Authority Challenges

Fishermen have encountered particular difficulties at Latsi port. Officials there have allegedly prohibited the hauling of boats for repair or maintenance during peak summer months, a restriction that could have damaging ramifications for the local fishing community. Further frustrations arose with the delayed redevelopment of Liopetri river, which has left fishermen in a state of limbo regarding the project’s uncertain completion.

Economic and Bureaucratic Setbacks

Pazaros shed light on the economic distress faced by fishermen due to these bureaucratic hurdles. The stalling of critical infrastructural developments and the redistribution of funds intended for the fishing industry have hit the community hard. The mismanagement of approximately €57 million from the European Maritime Fund, intended for maritime-related projects, has been particularly controversial, with the funds reportedly being allocated to unrelated ventures.

Proposed Reforms and Actions

Emphasizing the importance of the fishing trade, Pazaros called for a thorough examination of fishermen’s demands. He urged for immediate action to not only preserve the industry but to ensure its progression through strategic development and modernization efforts. The goal is clear: to rejuvenate the fishing sector and adapt to the changing global landscape.

Unrestricted Access and Mobility

With the industry facing these diverse challenges, there’s also a push for more practical, day-to-day changes. Fishermen in Kato Paphos, for example, have highlighted their need for unrestrained access to their vessels. Given that their work hours are unpredictable, the ability to reach their boats without restriction is crucial for their livelihood.

Dredging for a Brighter Future

The ongoing dredging process at Larnaca port is a beacon of hope, symbolizing the kind of progress that stakeholders are striving for. Pazaros has called for the works to be completed within the specified timelines, ensuring that the fishing community can look forward to a more efficient and prosperous future.


In conclusion, the fishing industry in Cyprus is at a crossroads, with the potential for growth and innovation being hampered by outdated practices and administrative oversight. The call for modernization is clear, and the time for change is now, as MPs and industry stakeholders work towards a unified vision for a thriving fishing sector.

Quick Recap

  • Cypriot fishermen face challenges with Ports Authority cooperation, particularly at Latsi port.
  • Economic distress caused by bureaucratic hurdles and mismanagement of European Maritime Fund allocations.
  • Urgent reforms include strategic development, industry modernization, and ensuring fishermen have unrestricted access to vessels.
  • Hope rests on timely completion of Larnaca port dredging to boost efficiency and prosperity.
  • MP Charalambos Pazaros emphasized the need for reform and modernization of the fishing industry in Cyprus.

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