
Cyprus Sees Rating Leap to BBB with Positive Outlook by CI Ratings

cyprus credit rating

Capital Intelligence Ratings has boosted Cyprus’ credit rating to ‘BBB’ with a positive outlook, highlighting the island’s economic resilience and improved public finances. Factors such as consistent budget surpluses, decreased public debt, and proactive banking sector reforms in Limassol have solidified Cyprus’ position for sustainable growth and stability.

What is the reason behind Cyprus’ credit rating upgrade by Capital Intelligence Ratings?

Capital Intelligence Ratings upgraded Cyprus’ credit rating to ‘BBB’ with a positive outlook due to the country’s economic resilience, improved public finances, strategic debt management, and banking sector reforms. Consistent budget surpluses, a decrease in public debt, and a robust cash buffer contribute to the island’s fiscal stability and sustainable economic growth.

Economic Resilience and Improved Public Finances

Capital Intelligence Ratings (CI), the Limassol-based regional rating agency, has provided a notable upgrade to Cyprus’ credit standing. In a recent assessment, CI upgraded Cyprus’ long-term foreign currency rating to ‘BBB’ from its previous ‘BBB-’ status. Simultaneously, the short-term currency rating was lifted to ‘A2’ from ‘A3’. This upgrade is not just a change in letters and numbers; it’s a reflection of the island’s robust economic health and promising future prospects. The agency has expressed confidence by maintaining a positive outlook, suggesting that the upward trend is not merely a blip but a steady climb.

The rationale behind this improved rating lies in the consistent positive changes to Cyprus’ public finances. The country has been posting persistent budget surpluses, demonstrating a serious commitment to fiscal discipline. Furthermore, the rapid decline in public debt is a sign of the country’s effective financial management strategies. According to CI’s projections, this trajectory will lead to the debt to GDP ratio falling below the 60 percent mark as early as 2026.

Strategic Debt Management

The rise in ratings can be heavily attributed to the Cypriot government’s strategic handling of its debt profile. By effectively managing debt maturity, Cyprus has significantly reduced the risks associated with refinancing, which is critical for long-term fiscal stability. Moreover, the government has been proactive in building a formidable cash buffer. This financial safeguard is designed to shield the economy against short-term vulnerabilities and unforeseen global adversities.

CI’s analysis also sheds light on the substantial decrease in macro-financial imbalances witnessed in recent years. One of the highlights includes the reduction in the banking sector’s size to approximately 200 percent of GDP, which is a significant contraction. Additionally, there has been a notable decrease in the debt overhang within the non-financial corporate and household sectors, further stabilizing the economy.

Banking Sector Reforms and Economic Resilience

One of the pillars supporting the positive outlook for Cyprus is the resilience of its economy amid global geopolitical uncertainties. The Cypriot economy has shown admirable strength and adaptability, something that rating agencies like CI do not overlook. Efforts to fortify bank balance sheets, especially through the clearance of non-performing loans (NPLs), have paid dividends. Banks have also reduced their reliance on less stable sources of funding, such as wholesale and cross-border sources, thereby decreasing potential government liabilities.

The government’s medium-term debt strategy spanning from 2024 to 2026 has set attainable targets that CI believes will continue to ensure debt sustainability. The first seven months of 2024 have already exhibited a strong budgetary performance, with the budget surplus eclipsing projections. CI anticipates that the general government budget will maintain a surplus, reaching 2.9 percent of GDP for the year 2024.

Fostering Long-term Fiscal Health

CI’s report further points to the diminishing short-term refinancing risks, thanks to the government’s sound fiscal management. The favorable debt maturity structure and low gross financing needs, which are estimated at 3.7 percent of GDP for 2024, play a significant role in this secure financial landscape. Additionally, the strategic accumulation of cash reserves equivalent to almost 10 percent of GDP ensures that the country is well-prepared to manage over double its gross financing needs for at least the next year.

In summary, the upgrade of Cyprus’ credit ratings by Capital Intelligence Ratings is a testament to the country’s fortified economic position and the effective management of its public finances. The government’s ability to maintain budget surpluses, reduce public debt, and establish a strong defense against economic shocks has laid a foundation for sustained economic growth and fiscal health in Cyprus.


What factors contributed to Cyprus’ credit rating upgrade to ‘BBB’ by Capital Intelligence Ratings?

The upgrade to ‘BBB’ by Capital Intelligence Ratings was driven by several key factors, including Cyprus’ economic resilience, improved public finances, consistent budget surpluses, and strategic debt management. The reduction in public debt and proactive banking sector reforms have further solidified the country’s position for sustainable growth and stability.

How does Cyprus plan to manage its public debt?

Cyprus is employing strategic debt management practices to handle its public debt effectively. This includes managing debt maturity to reduce refinancing risks and building a robust cash buffer to protect the economy against short-term vulnerabilities. The government aims to lower the debt-to-GDP ratio below the 60% mark by 2026, reflecting its commitment to fiscal discipline.

What role do banking sector reforms play in Cyprus’ economic outlook?

Banking sector reforms have been crucial for Cyprus’ positive economic outlook. These reforms have focused on strengthening bank balance sheets, particularly through the clearance of non-performing loans (NPLs), and reducing reliance on less stable funding sources. This approach has enhanced overall financial stability and contributed to the resilience of the Cypriot economy amid global uncertainties.

What are the anticipated fiscal projections for Cyprus in 2024?

For 2024, Capital Intelligence Ratings projects a strong budgetary performance, with an expected budget surplus reaching 2.9% of GDP. The government’s medium-term debt strategy, along with favorable debt maturity structures and low gross financing needs, estimated at 3.7% of GDP, indicates a secure financial outlook, further enhancing Cyprus’ economic stability.

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