
Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival Returns

dance contemporary

The Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival is back from May 31 to June 23, showcasing innovative choreography from world-renowned artists in Limassol and Nicosia. Audiences can experience a diverse range of performances, educational workshops, and connections with the global dance community.

When is the Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival and what can audiences expect?

The Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival will take place from May 31 to June 23. Audiences can expect a diverse range of performances from world-renowned choreographers and dance companies, showcasing innovative choreography and the vibrancy of contemporary dance. The festival includes educational workshops and connects Cyprus with the global dance community.

The stage is set, and the lights are ready to illuminate a captivating array of movements as the Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival once again graces the stages of Limassol and Nicosia this summer.

A Celebration of Movement and Artistry

As the most prominent event in Cyprus dedicated to the art of contemporary dance, the festival is an eagerly anticipated annual fixture that invites audiences to immerse themselves in the innovative world of modern choreography. It promises a diverse array of performances, featuring world-renowned choreographers and dance companies that will showcase their latest works.

The festival will commence on May 31 and run through June 23, offering a plethora of performances that are poised to captivate and intrigue. Dance aficionados will encounter a rich tapestry of styles, showcasing the vibrancy and diversity of contemporary dance. It serves not only as a platform for the art form but also as a bridge connecting Cyprus to the global dance community.

Highlights of the Programme

The opening act, a performance by Susanna Fiala, is an amalgamation of dance, art installation, and exhibition titled AiNA, set to beguile spectators at Rialto Theatre at 8.30pm. Following this, on June 4, Arno Schuitemaker from the Netherlands will grace the stage with The End – part 2, while Andreas Constantinou from Denmark’s Himherandit Productions is slated to present Carcass on June 10 in Limassol and June 12 in Nicosia.

The festival continues to celebrate the diversity of contemporary dance with performances from the duo Linda Kapetanea and Jozef Fruček from Greece, bringing their Rootlessroot piece to the audience in both cities. The stage will also welcome AMAE, a production that brings together Italian, Croatian, and Belgian talents, on June 16 at 8.30pm. The same evening will see Alessandro Sciarroni’s poignant Save the Last Dance for Me at 9.30pm. The final act, Larsen C by Christos Papadopoulos, will draw the curtains on the festival on June 23.

Educational Opportunities and Workshops

In conjunction with the performances, the festival will be collaborating with the Cyprus New Movement of Dance to offer a workshop titled Theatrical Body. Conducted by the distinguished choreographers Eliana and Borna, the workshop is scheduled for June 17 and will delve into the realms of physical theatre.

This workshop offers a unique opportunity for participants to explore the intricate relationship between intention, emotion, and movement. It aims to foster individuality through improvisation tasks and games, providing tools to expand creative expression. Those interested in attending the workshop can register for a spot, though they should be mindful of the limited availability and the registration deadline of June 13.

The 25th Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival is an event that beckons the attention of every dance enthusiast. It is a spectacle of art and emotion that continues to foster the cultural landscape of Cyprus, inviting both local and international audiences to partake in the celebration of contemporary dance.

When is the Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival and what can audiences expect?

The Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival will take place from May 31 to June 23. Audiences can expect a diverse range of performances from world-renowned choreographers and dance companies, showcasing innovative choreography and the vibrancy of contemporary dance. The festival includes educational workshops and connects Cyprus with the global dance community.

What are some highlights of the programme for the Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival?

Some highlights of the programme include performances by artists such as Susanna Fiala, Arno Schuitemaker, Andreas Constantinou, Linda Kapetanea and Jozef Fruček, AMAE, Alessandro Sciarroni, and Christos Papadopoulos. These performances offer a glimpse into the diversity and creativity of contemporary dance, with each artist bringing their unique perspective to the stage.

Are there any educational opportunities or workshops available during the Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival?

Yes, in conjunction with the performances, the festival will be offering a workshop titled Theatrical Body in collaboration with the Cyprus New Movement of Dance. This workshop, conducted by Eliana and Borna, focuses on exploring the relationship between intention, emotion, and movement through physical theatre. Participants can expect to engage in improvisation tasks and games to expand their creative expression.

How can interested individuals participate in the workshops during the Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival?

Interested individuals can register for the workshop titled Theatrical Body by the Cyprus New Movement of Dance, which is scheduled for June 17. It is important to note that spots are limited, and the registration deadline is June 13. By registering early, participants can secure their spot and take advantage of this unique educational opportunity offered during the festival.

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