
Community Tension Rises Over Proposed Migrant Facility in Mora

migrant facility community tension

Community tension is rising in Mora as residents oppose the proposed migrant facility in an abandoned police station. Concerns revolve around the disruption of the peaceful environment, particularly its proximity to a children’s playground, yet the government plans to move forward with the project despite protests.

Why is there community tension in Mora over a proposed migrant facility?

Community tension in Mora is rising due to a proposed detention center for migrants, slated to be located in an abandoned police station in the village. Residents are concerned that the facility will disrupt their peaceful environment, affecting the serenity and safety of the area, especially given its proximity to a children’s playground. Despite opposition and protests, government officials plan to proceed with the project.

Nestled on the western brink of the Mesaoria plain, the tranquil village of Mora is facing turbulent times. The recent announcement of a proposed detention center for migrants, to be situated in the heart of the village, has sparked a wave of indignation among its residents.

Planned Use of Abandoned Police Station

The center of contention is an unused edifice that once served as a police station. The intention is to refurbish this structure to temporarily house migrants prior to their repatriation. This plan has not been met with open arms by the villagers, who foresee the peaceful ambiance of their community being compromised.

Villagers’ Response

In a display of solidarity and prompt action, villagers drafted a letter, collecting hundreds of signatures, which was sent to the mayors of Kythrea and Louroujina, Ali Karavezirler. The concerted effort resulted in a meeting where the mayors assured the community representatives of taking “the necessary steps” in response to their concerns.

It didn’t end there. Villagers also took to the streets, organizing a protest right before the building that is slated for conversion. Their message was clear and powerful: the serenity of their lives should not be disrupted. Their concern was further heightened by the proximity of a children’s playground to the proposed site, raising questions about the impact on the village’s youngest residents.

Government’s Stance

Despite the villagers’ strong opposition, the deputy police chief, Ahmet Beserler, in a parliamentary finance committee meeting, declared that the project would proceed. He elaborated that the revamped police station would be designated for individuals deemed too problematic to remain at other facilities. A substantial budget of 20 million TL (around €631,500) has been earmarked for this project.

Mora’s Strategic Location

Mora’s geographical location, close to the Ercan (Tymbou) airport, likely played a role in its selection for this new facility. The village’s accessibility could be seen as a logistical advantage for the proposed center’s operations.

Seeking Official Comments

In pursuit of further insights and official stances on the matter, inquiries were made to the relevant interior ministry. However, the detailed responses from the government officials in charge of this initiative remain forthcoming.

As the story unfolds, the people of Mora stand united, awaiting responses and actions that align with the tranquility and harmony of their village life.

Quick Recap

  • Community tension is rising in Mora as residents oppose the proposed migrant facility in an abandoned police station.
  • Concerns revolve around the disruption of the peaceful environment, particularly its proximity to a children’s playground.
  • The government plans to move forward with the project despite protests.
  • The proposed facility would be housed in an unused police station and would temporarily house migrants prior to repatriation.
  • Despite strong opposition from the villagers, the government has declared that the project will proceed.

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