
Buffer Zone Tranquility Following Alleged Incursions

buffer zone incursions

The buffer zone around Ayios Dhometios is currently peaceful after alleged incursions by Turkish Cypriot forces. United Nations peacekeeping force in Cyprus (Unficyp) is closely monitoring the situation and engaging in discussions with Turkish Cypriot authorities to prevent tension escalation and maintain the status quo.

What is the current situation in the buffer zone around Ayios Dhometios?

The buffer zone around Ayios Dhometios is currently peaceful following alleged incursions by Turkish Cypriot forces. United Nations peacekeeping force in Cyprus (Unficyp) is closely monitoring the area and engaging in discussions with Turkish Cypriot authorities to prevent tension escalation and maintain the status quo. No unauthorized works have been confirmed in the buffer zone.

A Day of Monitoring

The situation in the buffer zone around the Ayios Dhometios area has returned to a peaceful state, according to Aleem Siddique, United Nations peacekeeping force in Cyprus (Unficyp) spokesman. This follows reports of alleged incursions by Turkish Cypriot forces the previous day. Siddique offered reassurances while speaking to a local news agency, emphasizing the strict prohibition of unauthorized works within the buffer zone.

Unficyp’s Vigilant Efforts

Unficyp remains engaged in active discussions with the Turkish Cypriot authorities. Their efforts are focused on preventing any escalation of tension and ensuring the status quo is maintained in the region. The peacekeeping force is keeping a vigilant eye on the area, monitoring the situation closely.

The Incident

Concern arose when media outlets reported that Turkish Cypriot soldiers allegedly installed surveillance equipment atop an empty building within the zone. The equipment installation, said to have taken place around 4 pm on Monday, sparked comments from a government spokesperson, who labeled the event a “serious violation” of the buffer zone’s integrity.

The Denial

Contradicting these reports, Mustafa Lakadamyali, the undersecretary of the north’s ‘foreign ministry’, denied these activities. He clarified that while there are plans to expedite the crossing point at Ayios Dhometios to facilitate quicker crossings, no work had commenced. He pointed out that the matter is currently under discussion at a bicommunal technical committee for crossing points.

No Confirmation of Works

Adding to the statements, a spokesperson from the north’s ‘public works ministry’ mentioned having no information regarding any operations being carried out in the buffer zone. This lack of awareness by multiple parties involved has added layers of complexity to the narrative around the incident.

Keeping the Peace

The emphasis now lies on maintaining calm and stability in the region, with peacekeeping efforts taking center stage. Both sides appear to be poised for dialogue, which is seen as a critical step in diffusing any underlying tensions that may exist. With the buffer zone’s sanctity in the balance, the role of Unficyp becomes ever more critical in navigating through these delicate circumstances.

Quick Recap

  • The buffer zone around Ayios Dhometios is currently peaceful after alleged incursions by Turkish Cypriot forces.
  • The United Nations peacekeeping force in Cyprus (Unficyp) is closely monitoring the situation and engaging in discussions with Turkish Cypriot authorities to prevent tension escalation and maintain the status quo.
  • No unauthorized works have been confirmed in the buffer zone.
  • Turkish Cypriot soldiers allegedly installed surveillance equipment atop an empty building within the buffer zone, sparking concerns of a “serious violation” of its integrity.
  • Turkish Cypriot officials denied these activities and stated that no work had commenced in the buffer zone.

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