
Fifth Cyprus Forum Set for October Spotlight

cyprus forum policy conference

The fifth Cyprus Forum will unfold on October 3-4, 2024, in the lively heart of Nicosia, featuring over 200 speakers who will dive into pressing global and regional policy issues. Kicking off at the historic Old Town Hall and continuing at the iconic Ledra Palace, this event promises a vibrant exchange of ideas among distinguished personalities, all aimed at building a better future through thoughtful dialogue.

When is the fifth Cyprus Forum scheduled to take place?

The fifth annual Cyprus Forum is scheduled for October 3-4, 2024, set to take place in the heart of Nicosia. It will begin at the Old Town Hall of Nicosia and continue at the Ledra Palace, featuring over 200 speakers and a robust agenda focused on critical global and regional policy issues.

A Premier Policy Conference Tradition

The most anticipated policy conference, the Cyprus Forum, is poised for its fifth annual gathering. Scheduled for October 3-4, 2024, the forum will take place in the heart of Nicosia. Organized by Oxygen for Democracy, in collaboration with the Delphi Economic Forum and the University of Cyprus, this event promises to converge under the distinguished auspices of the Presidency of the Republic. With a tradition of excellence, the Cyprus Forum invites an array of esteemed personalities from both Cyprus and the global stage to engage in critical discussions.

The kick-off for this prestigious event will be at the Old Town Hall of Nicosia, a site steeped in history and symbolic significance. Following the opening ceremony, the forum will unfold over 64 invigorating hours of dialogue, spanning both the Old Town Hall and the striking Ledra Palace. These venues, rich with political resonance, provide the perfect backdrop for the forum’s robust agenda.

Intellectual Synergy: Knowledge Partnerships

The forum’s intellectual backbone is reinforced by an impressive cohort of knowledge partners. These partners not only contribute to the scientific curation of discussions but also assist in shaping the forum’s content and selecting its array of speakers. Among these partners are renowned institutions like the European Policy Centre, ELIAMEP, and the Cyprus Economic Society. Others joining forces include Transparency International, the Atlantic Council, and the Cyprus Centre for European and International Affairs, illustrating the event’s broad international collaboration.

Premier academic institutions like the University of York’s Department of Politics and the Eastern Mediterranean Project at Oxford are also on board, along with influential organizations such as the World Bank and the EU Tax Observatory. Their involvement ensures that the conversations are not only current but also enriched by diverse expert perspectives.

A Gathering of Visionaries and Leaders

More than 200 speakers are poised to grace the Cyprus Forum, drawing political dignitaries, technocrats, and scholars from across Cyprus and beyond to contribute their insights. Participants can look forward to a tapestry of discussions on pivotal themes such as Democracy and the Rule of Law, Foreign Policy, Peacekeeping, Sustainability, and Technology and Innovation.

Each speaker will bring unique expertise to the table, ensuring a dynamic and multifaceted exploration of today’s most pressing issues. It is an opportunity for those in attendance to engage with thought leaders and change-makers, gaining valuable perspectives on the direction of global and regional policies.

Information and Participation

For those interested in becoming part of this influential dialogue, detailed information regarding registration and the comprehensive agenda is available. By visiting the official Cyprus Forum website, prospective attendees can secure their involvement and stay informed about the event’s developments. This forum is not merely an event but a nexus for critical thought and policy innovation, set against the backdrop of Cyprus’s vibrant capital.

In its fifth iteration, the Cyprus Forum is set to continue its legacy of fostering meaningful discourse and building bridges between diverse stakeholders. With its commitment to depth, inclusivity, and forward-thinking, the forum stands as a beacon for those dedicated to shaping a better future through the power of dialogue and collaboration.

When will the fifth Cyprus Forum take place?

The fifth Cyprus Forum is scheduled for October 3-4, 2024. The event will kick off at the historic Old Town Hall in Nicosia and continue at the iconic Ledra Palace.

What topics will be discussed at the forum?

The forum will feature discussions on pivotal themes such as Democracy and the Rule of Law, Foreign Policy, Peacekeeping, Sustainability, and Technology and Innovation. With over 200 speakers, participants can expect a dynamic exploration of today’s pressing global and regional issues.

Who are the organizers and knowledge partners of the Cyprus Forum?

The Cyprus Forum is organized by Oxygen for Democracy in collaboration with the Delphi Economic Forum and the University of Cyprus. The forum’s intellectual content is supported by esteemed knowledge partners, including the European Policy Centre, Transparency International, the Atlantic Council, and many others, ensuring a rich and diverse range of perspectives.

How can I participate in the Cyprus Forum?

Interested individuals can find detailed information about registration and the agenda by visiting the official Cyprus Forum website. This is an excellent opportunity for attendees to engage with thought leaders and contribute to meaningful dialogues on critical policy issues.

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