

transformation democracy

Nicosia in Transformation: Candidates Step Up for Major Municipal Makeover

Charalambos Prountzos aims to transform Nicosia by focusing on innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity, envisioning a city that celebrates its cultural history and promotes green initiatives. With the upcoming local government elections in Nicosia, residents have the opportunity to shape the future of their city and embrace a new, revitalized Nicosia under Prountzos’ visionary leadership.

architecture democracy

Symbolic Architecture: The New Presidential Palace in Northern Cyprus

The new presidential palace in Northern Cyprus symbolizes the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ aspirations for selfgovernance and a distinct identity. It represents a physical and symbolic leap towards consolidated governance, reflects cultural heritage, and is designed to enhance connectivity between leaders and citizens, thereby strengthening democracy and establishing a permanent seat of power in the region.

journalism media

The Struggle for Quality Journalism in Cyprus

The Cyprus journalists’ union (Esk) is fighting for improved wages and working conditions to uphold quality journalism, emphasizing the importance of media diversity and democracy. Their campaign “Journalists have a voice” seeks to renew collective agreements and highlight journalism’s vital role in a healthy democratic society.

democracy technology

Pioneering Democracy Through Technology: The Citizen Voice Platform

In an unprecedented move towards participatory democracy, the government has launched the “Citizen Voice” platform for an online referendum on lowering the voting age. This innovative approach aims to engage citizens securely and efficiently in deciding whether the age should be reduced to 16 or 17, showcasing a commitment to inclusivity and digital democracy.

democracy elections

Democratic Milestone: Over 3,500 Candidates Elected in June

On June 9, a recordbreaking number of over 3,500 candidates were elected in Cyprus, including district presidents, mayors, and MEPs, showcasing citizens’ active participation in governance. Modernization efforts such as the “What I Vote” and “Where to Vote” apps aim to enhance the voting experience, with election results set to be promptly announced on June 10 and 11.

youth participation democracy

Strengthening Youth Participation in Democracy

Cyprus is boosting youth participation in democracy by planning to lower the voting age to 17, utilizing digital platforms for civic engagement, and promoting youth voter turnout through electronic registration. These efforts coincide with the “national year of youth” in 2024, aimed at empowering young people and inclusive decisionmaking processes in anticipation of Cyprus’ European Council presidency in 2026.

democracy european union

High-Level EU Official Set to Discuss Democracy and Policy in Cyprus

Margaritis Schinas, VicePresident of the European Commission, is set to visit Cyprus to engage in discussions on democracy, policy, and EUCypriot relations, including highlevel meetings, a public address at the University of Nicosia, and interactions with students. The visit aims to strengthen ties and foster dialogue on Cyprus’s role within the EU, showcasing a notable arrival and engagements with key Cypriot leaders to highlight the importance of EUCypriot relations and pave the way for future collaborations.

democracy legislation

Empowering Citizens Through Legislative Proposals

The new legislative proposal allows citizens to introduce their own laws to parliament with 5,000 signatures, enhancing direct democracy by giving the public a voice in governance. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between the electorate and the lawmaking process, empowering citizens to propose and amend laws directly.

politics democracy

Cyprus’ democracy continues to be flawed

Cyprus’ democracy faces challenges in political culture, participation, and government functioning, signaling a need for reform. Public discontent with economic management and the Cyprus problem, along with persistent corruption and a lack of checks and balances, contribute to the nation’s democratic stagnation.

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