
UNHCR’s Concern Over Migrants in Cyprus Buffer Zone

migrants asylum seekers

UNHCR is deeply concerned about the migrants in Cyprus’ buffer zone, emphasizing the urgent need for access to asylum procedures and adequate living conditions for 31 individuals, including seven children. The agency highlights the necessity for Cyprus to fulfill its international and EU obligations to uphold the fundamental human rights of asylum seekers, while expressing readiness to support in finding sustainable solutions for the displaced individuals.

What is UNHCR’s stance on the situation of migrants in Cyprus’ buffer zone?

UNHCR is deeply concerned about the migrants in Cyprus’ buffer zone, emphasizing the urgent need for access to asylum procedures and adequate living conditions. The agency stresses that Cyprus must fulfill its international and EU obligations to respect the fundamental human rights of asylum seekers. UNHCR is ready to support Cyprus to find sustainable, humane solutions for the displaced individuals.

Dire Conditions for Displaced Individuals

The UN refugee agency, better known as UNHCR, has recently expressed its deep concerns regarding the precarious situation of 31 migrants, including seven children, who find themselves trapped within the confines of Cyprus’ buffer zone. For over two weeks, these individuals have been forced to remain in this area, unable to initiate procedures to seek asylum. Alarmingly, five of these migrants had managed to reach the Pournara reception center, only to be returned to the buffer zone shortly after. Tragically, since this return, two individuals have disappeared, one of whom is an unaccompanied Syrian child.

The plight of these migrants is compounded by the harsh living conditions they face daily. Though they have been provided with basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, and rudimentary shelter by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (Unficyp) with the aid of the UNHCR, their tents offer little protection against the region’s extreme weather, which has seen temperatures soar past 40 degrees Celsius. While emergency medical care is available at state hospitals, post-treatment policies have seen these individuals sent back to the challenging conditions of the buffer zone.

International Obligations and Shrinking Protection

Philippe Leclerc, the UNHCR’s regional director for Europe, has underscored the urgency of the situation, calling for immediate action. He highlights that ensuring effective access to asylum procedures and adequate reception conditions is not merely a recommendation but a binding obligation under international refugee law. The European Commission has echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that Cyprus must adhere to all aspects of the EU acquis, including those related to asylum seekers’ rights, even within the buffer zone.

The current crisis occurs amidst broader concerns about the shrinking space for protection in Cyprus. Recent government measures have adversely affected Syrian refugees and asylum seekers, notably the suspension of processing new asylum applications—a move that has affected over 14,000 Syrian individuals. The UNHCR has also noted a disturbing trend of increased arrests, sometimes involving force, of those attempting to submit subsequent asylum applications, with the intent to initiate their return proceedings. There have been multiple reports of boat interceptions carrying asylum seekers and their subsequent pushbacks, preventing them from reaching Cyprus.

Despite acknowledging the challenges Cyprus faces with the influx of new arrivals, the UNHCR remains committed to supporting the country. The agency emphasizes the necessity of respecting the fundamental human rights of those seeking refuge and is prepared to work collaboratively with the government and all stakeholders. Sustainable solutions that align with the shared responsibility to protect individuals fleeing from conflict and persecution are imperative. The UNHCR’s statement reaffirms the need for continued EU resources, solidarity, and shared responsibility to enhance Cyprus’s capacity to respond to these humanitarian situations.

The Human Costs and Inherent Challenges

Beyond the legal and procedural implications of the crisis, the human costs are significant. The migrants, some in need of medical and psychological support, find themselves in limbo, their futures uncertain. The lack of stable and secure accommodation, coupled with the anxiety of unresolved asylum claims, takes a considerable toll on their well-being. The situation in the buffer zone is a stark reminder of the complex challenges that arise at the crossroads of migration, international law, and national sovereignty.

As the UNHCR and Cyprus grapple with these challenges, the focus remains on safeguarding the rights and dignity of every individual affected by displacement. The quest for solutions continues, with the hope of finding a humane and lawful resolution to the plight of those caught in the buffer zone, whose lives are marked by uncertainty and vulnerability.

What is UNHCR’s stance on the situation of migrants in Cyprus’ buffer zone?

UNHCR is deeply concerned about the migrants in Cyprus’ buffer zone, emphasizing the urgent need for access to asylum procedures and adequate living conditions. The agency stresses that Cyprus must fulfill its international and EU obligations to respect the fundamental human rights of asylum seekers. UNHCR is ready to support Cyprus to find sustainable, humane solutions for the displaced individuals.

What are the living conditions like for the displaced individuals in Cyprus’ buffer zone?

The displaced individuals, including seven children, in Cyprus’ buffer zone are facing dire living conditions. Despite receiving basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, and rudimentary shelter from UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus and UNHCR, the extreme weather and lack of proper shelter are major challenges. The situation is exacerbated by limited access to medical care and emergency services.

What international and EU obligations is Cyprus being called upon to fulfill regarding asylum seekers in the buffer zone?

Cyprus is being reminded by UNHCR and the European Commission to fulfill its international and EU obligations regarding asylum seekers. This includes providing effective access to asylum procedures, ensuring adequate reception conditions, and upholding the fundamental human rights of those seeking refuge. Cyprus is urged to adhere to all aspects of the EU acquis, especially concerning asylum seekers’ rights.

What is the UNHCR’s approach to supporting Cyprus in addressing the challenges faced by migrants in the buffer zone?

UNHCR is committed to working collaboratively with Cyprus and all stakeholders to find sustainable solutions for the migrants in the buffer zone. The agency emphasizes the importance of respecting the fundamental human rights of asylum seekers and stands ready to provide support and resources to enhance Cyprus’s capacity to respond to the humanitarian situation.

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