
legislative reforms

medicine patient safety

Public Outcry Over Doctor’s Return to Practice

The controversy surrounding a doctor’s return to practice in Cyprus after being convicted of indecent assault against a patient has sparked calls for legislative reforms and stricter medical conduct regulations to uphold patient safety and trust in healthcare. Health Minister Michalis Damianokos is in discussions with the Cyprus Medical Association to address the need for updates in the existing protocols governing medical professionals’ behavior.

foster care legislative reform

Unchanged Foster Family Benefits Spark Calls for Reform

Foster family benefits have remained stagnant for 15 years, prompting calls for urgent reform in financial support from lawmakers and a House labour committee. The push for change reflects a growing recognition of the disconnect between outdated benefits and the current economic climate and societal needs, emphasizing the necessity for immediate action to better support foster families.

traffic fines legislative reform

Eased Burden: New Legislation Lowers Traffic Fines

The new legislative changes regarding traffic fines aim to lessen the financial strain on motorists while maintaining road safety. For example, fines for some violations, such as stopping on a pedestrian zebra crossing, have been significantly reduced, making them more manageable for drivers.

road safety legislative reforms

Enhancing Road Safety in Northern Cyprus

Legislative actions and technological advancements are underway in Northern Cyprus to enhance road safety following recent tragic incidents, including the fatal accident involving Greek Cypriot Photis Photiou. Measures include proposed stricter penalties for driving offenses, infrastructure improvements, and the deployment of radar speed guns and upgraded speed cameras to enforce traffic laws and prevent future accidents.

swimming pool regulations legislative reform

Impending Reforms in Cyprus Swimming Pool Regulations

The impending reforms in Cyprus swimming pool regulations will categorize pools into three types, tailoring requirements like inspections and lifeguard presence based on size and usage. This change aims to ease the burden on smaller pool owners, who have been struggling under impractical and burdensome laws affecting tourism and real estate sectors.

disability benefits legislative reform

Overhauling the Benefits System for Disabled Individuals

The government in Cyprus plans to separate disabled benefits from the Guaranteed Minimum Income program in order to better address the unique needs of disabled individuals, increase support funds by €60 million, and enhance social inclusion. Deputy Welfare Minister Marilena Evangelou is leading the charge by engaging stakeholders in drafting targeted legislation for a more inclusive benefits policy, signaling a significant commitment to overhauling the current system.

healthcare system budget allocation

Health Ministry’s 2024 Budget: A Significant Increase with Emphasis on Gesy

The Health Ministry’s budget proposal for 2024 is aiming to increase funding by 11.6% to €1.3 billion, with a significant portion of the budget, 53%, being allocated to the national health system, Gesy. The focus of the budget includes health system reform, technology enhancement, health promotion, infrastructure improvement, and increased development funds for healthcare improvements.

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