
healthcare system

healthcare system medical treatment abroad

Expanding Healthcare Support for Cypriot Patients Abroad

The Cypriot government is proposing to subsidize travel, accommodation, and food expenses for families of patients seeking medical treatments abroad, as part of a broader plan to modernize healthcare services and reduce overseas transfers. President Nikos Christodoulides aims to enhance local medical services to meet European standards and minimize the need for patients to seek treatment outside the country.

healthcare system budget allocation

Health Ministry’s 2024 Budget: A Significant Increase with Emphasis on Gesy

The Health Ministry’s budget proposal for 2024 is aiming to increase funding by 11.6% to €1.3 billion, with a significant portion of the budget, 53%, being allocated to the national health system, Gesy. The focus of the budget includes health system reform, technology enhancement, health promotion, infrastructure improvement, and increased development funds for healthcare improvements.

hiv/aids healthcare system

Seropositive Individuals: Overcoming Challenges in Cyprus

Seropositive individuals in Cyprus face challenges such as a lack of medical personnel, social stigma, and limited accessibility to antiretroviral treatment. Proposed solutions include hiring more specialists, reactivating a national committee for HIV prevention, establishing a national registry for HIV, revising laws, extending treatment duration to six months, providing treatment at local hospitals, protecting patient data, and improving infrastructure. AKEL recently visited the Gregorio Clinic and identified issues in staffing and education. Parliamentary oversight is seeking clarification on patient treatment and laws labeling HIV as a “dangerous infectious disease.” The Ministry of Health is considering extending antiretroviral treatment and improving accessibility to treatment.

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