
environmental concerns

environmental concerns public safety

Series of Illegalities Uncovered on Pervolia Beaches

A recent inspection of Pervolia beaches uncovered illegal activities including the mechanical movement of pebbles to create sandy beachfronts and unauthorized bars causing noise pollution. Public safety concerns arose from improper vehicle access, absence of lifeguard towers, and threats to local wildlife and ecosystems from habitat disruption. The environmental commissioner’s office is taking action to ensure legal compliance and the protection of valuable ecological communities.

environmental concerns sustainable practices

Ineia Dismisses Greens’ Water Allegations

Ineia, a village in Paphos, faces allegations of redirecting water from an Akamas protected area for local farms, sparking a debate on environmental conservation versus agricultural needs. The clash highlights the delicate balance between development and ecological preservation, raising questions about sustainable practices and the future of farming in the region.

government policies economic management

Government policies benefit the few and neglect the many

Les Manison, a former senior economist at the International Monetary Fund, criticizes current government policies for favoring the elite while neglecting the welfare of the masses, resulting in widening inequalities and environmental degradation. Manison calls for a realignment of expenditures, increased investment in infrastructure, and optimization of social benefits to address these challenges and build a more equitable and sustainable economic future.

sustainable mobility environmental concerns

Sustainable Mobility: A New Chapter for Akamas

The proposal for sustainable mobility in Akamas involves enhancing existing roads with gravel, implementing shuttle services from surrounding villages, and restricting quad bike use to protect local flora and fauna, all in a bid to promote ecological preservation and sustainable tourism. This initiative aims to strike a balance between visitor access and conservation efforts in this pristine area, emphasizing reduced road construction and better management of visitor entry.

environmental concerns conservation efforts

Akamas Environmental Concerns: A Call to Action

The Akamas peninsula is facing environmental threats from oversized road construction and irresponsible development, endangering habitats of species like the European eel. The Griffon vulture is at risk of extinction due to poison baits and power line collisions, with necessary safety measures still not implemented by the Electricity Authority of Cyprus.

environmental concerns art education

Using Art to Convey Environmental Concerns

Artists like Stass Paraskos use art to raise awareness about environmental issues by incorporating recycled materials and promoting sustainable practices. Their works, such as ‘The Great Wall of Lempa’ in Cyprus, serve as powerful reminders of the impact of human activities on nature and inspire viewers to reflect on their consumption habits and embrace sustainability.

environmental concerns unauthorized developments

Conflict at Cape Greco: Monastery Construction Sparks Environmental Concerns

The conflict at Cape Greco over the unauthorized construction of a monastery in the protected Natura 2000 site highlights the struggle to balance architectural development with environmental preservation. Government orders to halt the construction have been defied by the Famagusta Bishopric, sparking debates on adhering to environmental laws in areas of ecological significance.

church construction legal loopholes

Unpermitted Church Construction in Ayia Napa Sparks Controversy

The unauthorized construction of a church in Ayia Napa by the Bishopric of Famagusta has sparked controversy over environmental impact and legal loopholes, with calls for accountability and protection of Natura 2000 sites. Despite a cessation order, bureaucratic challenges and potential delays in legal resolution have raised concerns over wildlife disturbance and historic site protection.

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