
environmental awareness

nature environmental awareness

Embracing the Symphony of Nature: Cyprus’ Vibrant Flower Festivals

In the heart of Cyprus, the Flower Festivals of Yermasoyia are more than a stunning showcase of 146 endemic plant species; they are a call to arms for environmental stewardship and unity in the face of global challenges. From the vibrant displays to the educational activities, these festivals bridge tradition and modernity, leaving a lasting impact on both the local community and the world at large.

environmental awareness green initiative

Mind REset: A Valuable Green Initiative Backed by Lidl Cyprus

The Mind REset program by Lidl Cyprus is an engaging initiative fostering environmental awareness among young Cypriots. With over 9,000 students from 140 schools involved, it educates on reducing plastic usage and promoting sustainability through a threephase approach supported by Junior Achievement Cyprus and the education ministry.

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