
cultural inclusivity

e-government digital divide

Addressing the Challenge of E-Government and the Digital Divide

Cyprus faces challenges in making egovernment services accessible to all citizens, especially vulnerable populations like the elderly and disabled. Maria StylianouLottides warns that without proper measures, the digital gap could widen, making it crucial to simplify systems, offer support, and provide training to ensure inclusivity in the country’s digital transformation efforts.

inclusivity social integration

Enhanced Mobility for Special Needs: Cyprus’s Leap Forward

Cyprus has introduced new compact buses with wheelchair space, enhancing transport for individuals with disabilities. Spearheaded by Deputy Welfare Minister Marilena Evangelou, this initiative supports full societal participation and upholds the rights of disabled citizens, in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

wheelchair users inclusivity

Ensuring Electoral Accessibility: Cyprus Enhances Voting for Wheelchair Users

Cyprus is enhancing voting accessibility for wheelchair users by introducing special polling booths for the upcoming elections on June 9, in collaboration with the Cyprus Paraplegics’ Organisation. Wheelchairbound voters can arrange accommodations by contacting the interior ministry to ensure they can vote independently, showcasing Cyprus’s dedication to inclusivity in the democratic process.

elections voter preparation

Navigating the Complexities of Upcoming EU and Local Elections

The upcoming EU and local elections pose a challenge for voters, with over 7,000 candidates vying for various positions and a complex array of differently colored ballot papers to navigate. Despite the complexity, voters can prepare by accessing online resources, familiarizing themselves with sample ballot papers, and seeking assistance at polling venues on election day.

education psychological support

Embracing Unity: “Hate Trackers Beyond Borders” App Launch

“Hate Trackers Beyond Borders” app is a groundbreaking tool in the fight against online hate speech, designed for young people aged 1425, with multilingual support and educational features. Created through a collaboration of five organizations from Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and Spain, this app aims to promote tolerance and unity by empowering users to counter hate speech and celebrate diversity.

equality inclusivity

XM Tops Island’s List of ‘Best Workplaces for Women’

XM has been recognized as the Best Workplace for Women in Cyprus, with 40% of women in midsenior management roles and 25% in top managerial positions, showcasing its commitment to women’s empowerment and professional growth. This accolade highlights XM’s inclusive culture and policies that ensure equal opportunities for all employees, solidifying its reputation as a top employer in the region.

education inclusivity

Cultivating a Modern, Inclusive Education System

Dr. Athena Michaelidou is revolutionizing education in Cyprus with a vision for inclusive and innovative schools, focusing on studentcentered approaches and modern teaching techniques. Her reforms include enhancing private school accountability, introducing Englishtaught undergraduate programs, modernizing resources, expanding digital skills, and offering free preprimary education for early learning and parental workforce support.

technology inclusivity

Deaf Dreams to Digital Realities

The Connect Deaf application by George and Dr. Alexandros Geratziotis in Cyprus empowers the deaf and hardofhearing community by bridging communication gaps with tools like the Sign Language Alphabet Keyboard Mobile Application, promoting inclusivity and equal access to technology and information. Their innovative approach not only revolutionizes digital conversations but also fosters a supportive online community, breaking down language barriers and advocating for a more inclusive society.

citizenship mixed marriage

Embracing Unity: Citizenship for Mixed Marriage Families

Cyprus recently granted citizenship to Turkish Cypriots in mixed marriages, including children born from such unions, aligning with President Nikos Christodoulides’ integration measures and societal equality efforts. This policy change marks a significant step towards inclusivity, promoting diversity and unity within the country.

technology urban development

Nicosia Offers Free BLE Tags to Disabled Drivers

Nicosia is giving out 1,000 free BLE tags to disabled drivers for access to designated parking spots, part of their Smart Nicosia project to enhance inclusivity and urban living. This initiative aims to tackle illegal parking while promoting fairness and convenience through technology, setting a standard for progressive urban development across Europe.

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