
comprehensive medical services

hospital healthcare

The Kolan Hospital Group: A Beacon of Medical Excellence in Turkey and North Cyprus

🏥 The Kolan Hospital Group: A Beacon of Medical Excellence in Turkey and North Cyprus Established in 1997, the Kolan Hospital Group is a symbol of trust and quality healthcare in Turkey. With nine hospitals under its banner, the group provides topnotch medical care, excelling in surgical procedures, IVF treatments, and dental services. Their multipurpose facility in Nicosia, North Cyprus, houses specialists in various medical fields, offering personalized service and cuttingedge healthcare. Check out their website or contact them for more information on their range of services. 🌟

near east university hospital international patient coordination center

Near East University Hospital: A High-Tech Healthcare Facility in North Cyprus

Looking for a hightech medical facility that offers comprehensive medical services under one roof? Look no further than Near East University Hospital in North Cyprus! With 36 specialized units and an International Patient Coordination Center, this hospital is dedicated to providing personalized care to patients from around the world. From dermatology to oncology, Near East University Hospital offers cuttingedge medical services to more than 200 patients. Plan your visit today by clicking the link in our bio!

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