
budget allocation

tourism budget

Cyprus Approves €18 Million Budget to Boost Tourism Arrivals

Cyprus has approved an €18 million budget for 2023 to boost tourism arrivals. The investment aims to increase tourist numbers, generate higher tourism revenues, extend the tourist season, and strengthen partnerships with airlines and travel agencies, reflecting Cyprus’s commitment to becoming a yearround travel destination.

budget fiscal plan

2024 Financial Roadmap: North’s Budget Navigates Through Committee

The 2024 financial roadmap for the north has successfully passed through the committee stage, with a total expenditure of over 78.7 billion TL and anticipated income around 71.9 billion TL. It underwent a thorough 24day committee review and faced opposition scrutiny, but is expected to pass the parliamentary plenary vote due to the majority coalition’s endorsement.

police overtime budget

Almost €15 Million Paid in Police Overtime

Police overtime payments in 2023 exceeded the budget by over €9 million, totaling nearly €14.5 million. This covered extra hours worked on security at mass gatherings, terrorism prevention, crime prevention, sports venue security, road safety, and illegal migration challenges.

healthcare system budget allocation

Health Ministry’s 2024 Budget: A Significant Increase with Emphasis on Gesy

The Health Ministry’s budget proposal for 2024 is aiming to increase funding by 11.6% to €1.3 billion, with a significant portion of the budget, 53%, being allocated to the national health system, Gesy. The focus of the budget includes health system reform, technology enhancement, health promotion, infrastructure improvement, and increased development funds for healthcare improvements.

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