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un cyprus

President Briefs National Council on UN Developments

President Nikos Christodoulides briefed the National Council on recent UN developments in Cyprus, including reports from UN envoy Maria Angela Holguin and upcoming negotiations. Cyprus is coordinating efforts with Greece and the EU to address property rights issues and regional conflicts, amidst debates on the impact on Cypriot diplomacy and interests.

un cyprus

Escalating Tensions in Cyprus: UN Observations

The UN is closely monitoring rising tensions in Cyprus, emphasizing the need to avoid actions that may exacerbate strain. SecretaryGeneral Antonio Guterres calls for dialogue, consensusbuilding, and reduced militarization to pave the way for a peaceful resolution in the region.

drunk driving road safety

Paphos Man Detained for Excessive DUI

A 68yearold Paphos man was detained for excessive DUI after blowing a breathalyzer result of 97 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of breath, far surpassing the legal limit of 22 milligrams. Facing potential legal consequences such as heavy fines, imprisonment, and license revocation, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drunk driving and the importance of road safety.

un cyprus

How Impartial Can the UN in Cyprus Really Be?

The UN’s impartiality in Cyprus is in question due to unique funding arrangements with Cyprus and Greece, as well as actions by envoys like Maria Angela Holguin. To uphold impartiality, the UN must prioritize transparency, balanced financial contributions, and a strict adherence to peacekeeping principles.

un cyprus

UN Envoy Optimistic About A Cyprus Resolution

The UN is hopeful for a resolution in Cyprus, as demonstrated by Colin Stewart, the UN SecretaryGeneral’s Special Representative. Through the unveiling of a monument honoring peacekeepers in Cyprus, the UN reaffirms its commitment to fostering peace and stability in the region.

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Constructive Dialogue: UN Envoy Meets Cypriot President

UN envoy Maria Angela Holguin met with Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides in a “constructive” dialogue to promote peace in Cyprus. She also engaged with Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar and key international stakeholders, aiming to revive negotiations and support the island’s reunification efforts.

cyprus turkey

Turkey Trying to Justify Aggression Toward Cyprus

Turkey’s controversial ‘twostate solution’ stance in the Cyprus issue clashes with the UNsupported proposal for a bicommunal, bizonal federation, sparking tension in diplomatic circles. Cyprus Ambassador Michael condemned Turkey’s historical revisionism at the UN Security Council, pressing for a peaceful resolution to the longstanding conflict dating back to 1974.

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