
1 diplomacy

diplomacy peacebuilding

UN Envoy Maria Holguin’s Diplomatic Visits to the UK and Cyprus

UN Envoy Maria Holguin’s diplomatic visits to the UK and Cyprus aim to strengthen ties and pursue peace by engaging with guarantor nations and local leaders to address the political situation in Cyprus. These strategic discussions are crucial in facilitating understanding and progress towards a lasting peace agreement between the divided communities on the island.

peacebuilding diplomacy

Cyprus Problem ‘Is Still Solvable’

The Cyprus problem, a longstanding challenge, is still solvable according to the head of Unficyp, Colin Stewart. Recent positive developments, including improved GreeceTurkey relations and the appointment of a personal envoy, offer a unique opportunity for resolution, but urgency is emphasized due to the limited time to act.

government diplomacy

One Year in Office: Bettering People’s Daily Lives

President Nikos Christodoulides has made significant strides in his first year as president, implementing measures to enhance social policies, advance green transitions, and improve housing for refugees. His administration has also achieved economic successes, securing a financial surplus and EU recovery funds, while actively addressing the Cyprus problem and diplomatic relations.

diplomacy cyprus

A Diplomatic Challenge in Cyprus: Insights for UN Envoy Maria Angela Holguin

UN Envoy Maria Angela Holguin faces a complex political landscape in Cyprus, marked by the influence of leftwing unions, a strong Russian connection, and a history of division. Navigating legacy issues from previous UN efforts and engaging with both Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders are key challenges in her mission to broker peace and reconciliation. As she steps onto the storied land of Cyprus, Ms. Holguin must navigate a web of political intricacies to pave the way for a peaceful and shared future for the island’s population.

human rights international relations

Kombos Heads to Geneva for Human Rights Council Meeting

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos is headed to Geneva for the 55th Session of the Human Rights Council, where he will address the assembly and engage in strategic dialogues to promote human rights globally. His meetings with key figures like the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the High Commissioner for Refugees aim to strengthen alliances and address mutual concerns in the field of human rights.

diplomacy reconciliation

UN Envoy’s Diplomatic Endeavors in Cyprus

UN envoy Maria Angela Holguin is in Cyprus to promote progress and understanding through inclusive dialogues with political leaders and societal figures. Her efforts aim to contribute to a lasting resolution and peacebuilding on the island, following a history of division and ongoing international support for stability.

diplomacy united nations

New Christodoulides Holguin Meeting Scheduled

President Nikos Christodoulides and UN Envoy Maria Angela Holguin are set to meet on March 11 to reignite peace talks for Cyprus, following a pause in Crans Montana. The goal is to foster constructive dialogue and work towards a stable and peaceful resolution for the island.

diplomacy mediterranean

Mattarella Stresses Importance of Cyprus Solution

Italian President Mattarella’s visit to Cyprus focused on advocating for a bizonal bicommunal federation to resolve the Cyprus problem, highlighting the importance of stability in the Mediterranean. He emphasized shared values and collaboration between Italy and Cyprus for regional security and prosperity, underscoring the historical ties that bind the two nations.

diplomacy cyprus issue

Hope for Progress in Cyprus as Diplomatic Efforts Intensify

President Nikos Christodoulides remains hopeful for progress in resolving the Cyprus issue as diplomatic efforts intensify. UN envoy Maria Holguin’s upcoming meetings, including one with Turkish President Erdogan, mark crucial steps in reinvigorating negotiations while the Republic of Cyprus stands firm on its principles for stability and peace.

diplomacy european union

Christodoulides’ Diplomatic Agenda in Brussels

President Nikos Christodoulides’ agenda at the Brussels Summit includes attending the EUWestern Balkans summit, engaging in presummit meetings with the European People’s Party, and advocating for the EU to play a stronger role in the Middle East peace process. He will also discuss EU expansion, supporting accession talks with Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Georgia’s candidate status.

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