
asylum seekers human rights

Stranded Migrants Grapple with Despair in No Man’s Land

Asylum seekers in the UN buffer zone near the University of Cyprus endure stifling humidity, makeshift facilities, and emotional turmoil, their plea for dignity and access to asylum procedures contrasting with their current state of despair and unfulfilled dreams. Living in a harsh limbo, these individuals face daily challenges and an uncertain future, trapped between impossibility and rejection while holding onto fading hopes of a life lived with dignity.

wildfire emergency response

Uncontrolled Blaze Threatens Miliou, Paphos

A wildfire in Miliou, Paphos has prompted an urgent response with five fire trucks and two forestry department trucks on the scene, along with a fleet of five aircraft battling the flames from above. Safety measures are in place, with efforts focused on controlling the blaze and protecting nearby residential areas.

cyprus talks cypriot unity

Disy Leader Issues Stark Warning on Future of Cyprus Talks

Disy Leader Annita Demetriou warns of impending crisis in Cyprus talks due to Turkey’s actions, urges immediate action to salvage prospects for bizonal, bicommunal federation before dire consequences for Cypriot Hellenism. The sevenyear stalemate and establishment of dangerous precedents by Turkey leave the Greek Cypriot side in a precarious position, prompting Demetriou to propose initiatives and call for unity to reignite negotiations and ensure a peaceful resolution.

healthcare gesy system

‘On the brink of Gesy system collapse’ – Akel

The Gesy health system in Cyprus is on the verge of collapse due to understaffing, neglect of mental health services, and system abuses. Opposition party Akel calls for immediate transparency, engagement, and a strategic modernization plan to prevent a future where only the wealthy receive adequate medical coverage.

security measures police scrutiny

Heightening Security Measures for Upcoming Football Season

In preparation for the upcoming football season, police have implemented heightened security measures including increased presence at events, standby riot squads from the Morphou police department, and proactive policing at preseason gatherings. These actions aim to ensure a secure and controlled environment for all matches, following a recent incident where fans inadvertently caused a fire at a training event, highlighting the importance of preventative measures and readiness for fan safety.

migration economic growth

A Call for Migration Reform by Deputy Minister

Deputy Minister Ioannides is pushing for significant migration policy reforms to boost economic growth by addressing issues like ‘ghettoisation’ and violence. These reforms aim to balance border security with the economic contributions migrants can bring, with strategies in place for repatriation and correcting public misconceptions about migrant benefits.

labour relations economic growth

Builders’ Collective Agreement: A Hopeful Future

The builders’ collective agreement negotiations, once stalled, are now showing promise of resolution under Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou’s guidance. With a balanced proposal on the table, the aim is to foster improved labour relations and fair wages to support economic growth through 2027.

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