
May 2024

labour day trade unions

Celebrating Labour Day in Cyprus

Cyprus celebrates Labour Day with vibrant festivities organized by major trade unions Sek and Peo, including unity marches, speeches by leaders, and celebrations emphasizing solidarity between Greek and Turkish Cypriot unions. The day’s events are a powerful reminder of workers’ contributions and the importance of unity in society.

eu citizens residency options

Demystifying MEU Applications in Cyprus

EU citizens can reside in Cyprus without permits for the first three months, but beyond that, MEU applications are required. This includes MEU1 for a Certificate of Registration, MEU2 for nonEU family members to obtain a Residence Card, and MEU3 for Permanent Residence Certification after five years of continuous legal residence.

real estate economic indicators

Cyprus Business Now

The Cyprus government is proposing to change property valuations from every three years to every five years, potentially boosting efficiency in the real estate sector. The rebound in travel expenditures postpandemic reflects a broader economic recovery, while the country’s fiscal stability is evident through a surplus in the last quarter of 2023.

eu cyprus

Reflecting on Cyprus’ 20 Years in the EU

Reflecting on Cyprus’ 20 years in the EU reveals economic recovery and political alignment, with challenges like the 2013 crisis and the unresolved Cyprus dispute. The country’s journey showcases the benefits of EU membership, despite initial hurdles, paving the way for stability and cooperation in the region.

diplomatic efforts cyprus problem

A Pivotal Moment for Cyprus: The Diplomatic Efforts Intensify

Cyprus is at a pivotal moment with intensified diplomatic efforts, including the anticipated return of UN envoy Maria Angela Holguin after talks in Germany, France, Brussels, and Turkey. With Greek Prime Minister meeting Turkish President, Cypriot government sending a message of peace to Turkey, and discussions on regional stability with the European Council, hope is high for a peaceful and constructive future.

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