
yury revich

classical music yury revich

A Night Under the Stars with Yury Revich at Ancient Curium

On September 28th, experience an enchanting night with the virtuoso violinist Yury Revich at the historic Ancient Curium amphitheater in Cyprus, where candlelight and stars will set the stage for a mesmerizing performance. Enjoy captivating compositions by Vivaldi and Piazzolla, all for tickets starting at €50, as you immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere and exquisite acoustics of this ancient venue.

candle-lit gala yury revich

Candle-lit Celebrity Gala at Curium Welcomes Famed Violinist Yury Revich

On September 28, 2024, the stunning Curium Amphitheatre in Cyprus will transform into a magical concert venue as Yury Revich, the celebrated violinist, performs classical masterpieces on his historic 1747 Guarneri violin. Attendees can expect a captivating blend of enchanting music, candlelight, and the rich history of this ancient site, creating an unforgettable night under the stars.

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