
workplace safety

health and safety workplace safety

At the forefront of Health & Safety in the Cyprus workplace

Businesses in Cyprus must now appoint designated employees responsible for workplace safety under the Management of Safety and Health Issues at Work regulations, including creating the Internal Protection and Prevention Service (ESYPP). Adequate training is essential, with EMP Medic offering recognized programs and HRDA providing subsidies for training courses to ensure compliance and reduce workrelated incidents.

workplace safety workplace accidents

Workplace Safety: A Call for Zero Accidents

The workplace has seen over 5,000 accidents and 30 fatalities in the past three years, with the construction sector and machinerelated incidents posing significant risks in Cyprus. To combat these alarming statistics, strict adherence to safety regulations, comprehensive staff training, and a culture of safety and health are crucial strategies in achieving zero accidents and ensuring the wellbeing of all workers.

workplace safety health and safety oversight

Workplace Safety Lapses Lead to Tragic Fatality

The tragic fatality at the Electricity Authority of Cyprus serves as a stark reminder of the dire consequences of workplace safety lapses. The incident involving Georgios Georgiou highlights the critical importance of adhering to safety regulations and implementing rigorous maintenance checks to prevent such devastating accidents.

workplace safety financial crisis

Frozen Accounts at Cyprus Broadcasting Cooperation

Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation’s (CyBC) accounts have been frozen due to a legal decree from a compensation claim by former employee Evdokia Loizou, awarded €1.3 million for encephalitis linked to workplace conditions. This financial standstill has led to operational disruptions and a reevaluation of workplace health regulations at CyBC.

workplace safety safety breaches

Farming Company Fined for Safety Breaches

I&C Hadjiyiannakou Farms Ltd, a cattle farming company, was fined €11,000 by the Larnaca district court for serious safety breaches that caused an employee to suffer an amputation incident. The company neglected essential safety practices, including providing instructions, affixing machine safety markings, and conducting risk assessments. These incidents highlight the importance of workplace safety and the need for employers and machine manufacturers to prioritize employee wellbeing and adhere to safety protocols.

workplace safety safety regulations

Enhanced Workplace Safety Measures: A Priority for Businesses

A recent case in Nicosia district court saw an employer at Harco Trading Ltd fined €2,000 and receiving a suspended fourmonth prison term for three years due to workplace safety breaches that resulted in the fatal injury of an employee. This incident serves as a reminder that businesses must prioritize safety measures and adhere to regulations to protect their employees and maintain their integrity.

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