
women in business

technology innovation

Cyprus Showcases Advantages as a Hub for Foreign Businesses in London

Cyprus is emerging as an attractive hub for foreign businesses, thanks to its skilled workforce, modern legal system, low costs, transparent tax regime, and strategic location within the EU and Eurozone. The government offers tax incentives and initiatives like “digital nomad” visas to attract businesses, making Cyprus a flourishing environment for technology and innovative companies.

women in business female leadership

Women-Led Corporations Smashing the Glass Ceiling in North Cyprus: A Focus on Özge Falyalı

Meet Özge Falyalı, the CEO of Les Ambassadeurs Hotel & Casino and a leading voice for womenled corporations in North Cyprus. She strongly advocates for female leadership and entrepreneurship, aiming to break down barriers and promote gender equality in the workplace. Falyalı emphasizes the importance of resilience, innovation, and adaptability to create a more inclusive and equitable future for women in business. womensleadership entrepreneurship genderequality northcyprus

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