

healthcare pharmacy

Work Stoppage at Understaffed Limassol General Pharmacy

In Limassol General Hospital, pharmacy staff staged a twohour work stoppage due to severe understaffing issues following recent retirements, including the head pharmacist. Patients’ safety is at risk as the staff struggles to meet the demands and are calling for urgent staffing solutions to maintain essential services.

healthcare nurses

Nurses to meet Okypy over staffing demands

Nurses unions Pasydy and Pasyno are set to meet with officials from Okypy to address the pressing issue of understaffing in hospitals, potentially averting strike actions. The discussions will focus on finding solutions to improve patient care quality and alleviate the burden on current healthcare staff.

labor rights understaffing

Protest Over Unfair Dismissals Shakes Cyprus’ Prisons

The protest at Cyprus’ central prison complex is driven by prison guard unions in response to the unfair dismissal of thirteen guards due to understaffing. This demonstration aims to shed light on the critical issue of staffing shortages that compromise security within the country’s penal establishments.

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