
technological advances

fire brigade budget increase

Enhancements in Fire Brigade Resources and Capabilities

The Cyprus fire brigade has undergone significant improvements, including a €12 million budget boost, the addition of 251 new firefighters, and the adoption of advanced technology like electrooptical sensors and drones for heightened fire detection and surveillance. These enhancements are designed to ensure the brigade’s operational readiness and effectiveness in combating wildfires, showcasing the government’s commitment to safeguarding lives and property from the threat of fire.

wildfire management technological advances

Enhancing Wildfire Management Strategies

In a recent strategic meeting at the presidential palace chaired by President Nikos Christodoulides, new wildfire management strategies were outlined. These include integrating the airborne firefighting unit into the National Guard, reopening the forestry college, installing more sensors for early detection, acquiring ten aerial firefighting vehicles, amending arson laws, clearing wild vegetation by May, extending the high alert season, improving mobile phone alerts, and training volunteers for community engagement. These measures aim to enhance wildfire response and safeguard the nation’s forests and communities as the summer season approaches.

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