
teacher training

training collaboration

SupportCY Volunteers Take Part in Missing Persons Training

SupportCY volunteers recently participated in missing persons training with Cyprus emergency services, improving search techniques and profiling skills for vulnerable individuals. A joint field exercise successfully located a ‘missing child’, showcasing effective teamwork and resource use, reinforcing community safety and preparedness for future cases.

police induction

Ceremonial Induction of the New Special Police Constables

The recent ceremony at the Cyprus Police Academy marked the official induction of the new cohort of Special Police Constables, who will be responsible for maintaining border safety and managing migration flows. The event was attended by highranking officials, and the Chief of Police emphasized the importance of their role and called upon them to uphold the values of selflessness and determination.

school violence bullying

Our View: Addressing the Issue of School Violence is a Must

The government of Cyprus has approved a set of measures to address the high rates of school violence in the country. These measures include initiatives to fight racism, violence prevention courses, and alternative programs for children with disruptive behavior. Plans to set up special schools for delinquents and provide teacher training courses for handling violent situations are also being considered. The lack of training and changing societal conditions are seen as contributing factors to the increase in school violence.

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