

aviation strikes

Civil Aviation Employees Signal Potential for Further Strikes

Civil aviation employees in Cyprus, represented by the union Pasydy, are considering further strikes due to unresolved staffing concerns and a lack of engagement from government officials. The staff are experiencing increased pressure and unsatisfactory working conditions since the elimination of certain positions in 2018, leading to understaffing and additional stress.

finance corruption

Auditor-general to report CyBC for abuse of power

The auditorgeneral plans to report the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC) for alleged abuse of power, with claims of improper salary upgrades, indiscriminate pay scale adjustments, and irregular staffing changes potentially increasing payroll costs by 33% from 2021 to 2026. The organization’s financial discrepancies and breach of trade union agreements have brought its fiscal conduct under scrutiny, raising concerns about the misuse of power and resources within CyBC.

healthcare system efficiency productivity focus

Finance Minister Questions New HIO Hires, Stresses Productivity Focus

The Finance Minister of Cyprus, Makis Keravnos, has raised concerns about the need for new hires at the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO) and instead emphasizes the importance of productivity and structural changes in addressing healthcare system efficiency. The debate over staffing and budgetary approval for additional positions at the HIO reflects the ongoing challenge of balancing adequate staffing with fiscal prudence, with implications for patient waiting times and overall healthcare service delivery in Cyprus.

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